I know, I know – I used a lot of capital letter’s in my title – but I’m really, really excited about it! Thanks to all of YOU, my supporters and fans, I made it into the RAW Semifinals. It’s going to be an INCREDIBLE show! Seriously – check out the breakdown: What’s planned for […]
Homemade Apple Pie
There is an Apple Pie Baking Contest (and more) happening at my orchard today. I happen to have INCREDIBLE babysitters and yesterday morning they baked pies with my girls for the contest. I pulled out all the possible ingredients I thought they might want to use and a bunch of different apple pie recipes. I […]
Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Fall 2012 Quilt 138
It’s time once again for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival, sponsored as always, by Amy from Amy’s Creative Side. I am so so so glad I happened to see Prairie Moon Quilts Tweet about this! I might have missed it and that would have been TERRIBLE! I love this festival – so many great quilts to […]
New Camera
I’m still loving my new camera… these photo’s capture my girls perfectly right now… Pip, 17.5 months, is my little stinker right now. She’s testing all her boundaries – figuring out what she can do and seeing what we’re going to let her do. At the same time she’s so loving – if she’s in […]
6th Annual Hand Crafted Hoedown for the Holidays 2012
Yes! We are having the Handcrafted Hoedown for the Holiday’s again this year at the orchard. I’m excited to be able to share with you some familiar faces and some new ones in this years collection of goods. Can you believe this is the SIXTH year for the sale! How amazing! photo from […]
Kickstarter Campaign – Studio Cherie
A good friend of mine that I met via the etsy community, Cherie of Studio Cherie, has recently started a Kickstarter Campaign to ‘Kickstart’ her latest entrepreneurial dream. Recently another friend of mine via etsy, Ebony Love of Love Bug Studios used Kickstarter to help her publish her very first book “The Big Little Book […]
First Lost Tooth
On Tuesday, Cedi came home and her tooth was super, super loose. I took her in the house with me because I didn’t know how she’d take loosing her first tooth. We wiggled it some more and eventually she let me pull it out. It was so loose that she didn’t even realize it was […]
New Camera, New Ornaments
I’ve been contemplating getting a new camera for a couple of years now. Not just a camera – a real camera. In High School I took a photo class and really enjoyed it. We even got to develop our own prints. I get decent pictures of my girls with my current camera and past camera […]
Visit to the Pumpkin Patch
Lapacek’s Orchard Pumpkin patch, photo by Karmen Linder Photography It’s that time of year again! Time for a visit to the pumpkin patch! I have to admit – we’ve never carved pumpkins with the girls. ever. I feel terrible about this but in a typical October we’re are so busy that it is never even […]
Home Sweet Home Quilt Along – Sashing Tutorial, Wild Trees (16)
I have one more sashing for the Home Sweet Home Quilt Along Quilt using the Tri Recs Ruler just as I did for the Diamonds in the Rough Sashing and the Tri Recs TreesSashing. To see the way the tri recs ruler is used to make the four 3.5” squares out of three triangles that […]