I’m still loving my new camera… these photo’s capture my girls perfectly right now… Pip, 17.5 months, is my little stinker right now. She’s testing all her boundaries – figuring out what she can do and seeing what we’re going to let her do. At the same time she’s so loving – if she’s in the mood she loves to give kisses and snuggle. Capri, age 4.5, is my pouter. She is hypersensitive to everything right now. I would say that she’s definitely ready for apple season to be over and that even though she’s been amazing in school it’s taking it’s toll on her. When she’s in the mood – she will create for hours on end! From what I’ve seen her make now, at 4, I can’t wait to see how her creativity grows. Cedi, age 5 11/12, is the leader. She takes charge over the group she’s in (her sisters) and has a plan for everything. She loves to go on adventures and is really enjoying pretending. She’s loving school and her lost tooth. Don’t get me wrong, she still gets whining and looses it, but it’s definitely in a more controlled manor with less frequency. I hope you enjoyed meeting my October girls :) I have a feeling you’ll be seeing them a bit more frequently as I figure out how to use my camera (these are all taken in ‘auto’ mode still!)
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