There is an Apple Pie Baking Contest (and more) happening at my orchard today. I happen to have INCREDIBLE babysitters and yesterday morning they baked pies with my girls for the contest. I pulled out all the possible ingredients I thought they might want to use and a bunch of different apple pie recipes. I instructed – recipes are just suggestions. They help you figure out ratio’s and things but they don’t have to be followed exactly. I think the girls had fun with it! Here’s the first pie they put together. I had bought pre-made crust for them to make the whole ordeal a little less stressful. Josie sketched the tree but Cedi did all the cutting. I LOVE that they added the leaves to the edge! So wonderful!
And here’s the group of pie bakers!
For the second pie I had come in in the midst of the first and the girls asked, “Is it okay if we make our own crust?” “Of COURSE!” I knew they liked to bake but I didn’t know that they knew how and liked to make crust! Did I mention that I love my sitters? Josie said she used her mom’s apple crisp crump topping recipe for the top of this pie – LOVE that idea!
And the proud baker’s around their second pie! Here are the pies post-baking. I think they look delicious! Only one tip that I did learn from Julia Child is that if you add crust to crust you need to attach it with an egg white. About half of the leaves fell off during the baking – but I still am so so so happy and proud of the pies the four girls made!
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