Every morning the girls slowly get up, get dressed, eat, brush their hair, brush their teeth and then hopefully, start getting ready for the bus at 7:30. The bus usually gets here around 7:45/7:50 but it’s that one day when you don’t worry about that 7:30 deadline that the bus will show up early. I […]
Guess the Quilt
This past weekend at the Quilts By Barb Quilt Retreat in Mineral Point, WI, over 60 people got together and sewed, quilted, talked, shared, and all around had a great time. I have lots of stories to share with you all from that weekend and lots of beautiful quilts to show. I’m gong to start […]
Sunday Sewing Haiku
sew sew sew sew sew a whole weekend spent sewing a taste of heaven
Madison RAWards Semifinals 2012
On Wednesday night I was honored to be one of the many artists featured in the Madison RAWards Semifinals 2012 Show. Here is the setup I put together for the show. We were given just 3-feet to work with since over 40 artists were featured in the Majestic. It was a bit of a challenge […]
Nominated for Favorite Rainbow Quilt
Eeek! What a day! Not only did our township have a RECORD turnout at the polls today, but I think I’m all ready for tomorrow’s RAW Semifinals show AND I discovered that because of all my amazing supporters (aka YOU) my ‘Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt’ made it into the FINALs round over on Amy’s Creative […]
Be sure to VOTE today!
I’m up early because I’m working at my local polls today. We’re expecting a big turnout from the Town of Leeds. I won’t be pushing my political agenda on you now or ever but I do want to push you to get to your local polls and vote. Plus – you might even get a […]
Sunday Sewing Haiku
cutting up fabric piecing it back together beauty comes alive
Craftsy Block of the Month
Today I’m going to show you my progress on the Craftsy Block of the Month. I have 10 of the 10 months done which means YES – they are all done! I’ve really enjoyed this Block of the Month series. Each month a new technique has been introduced. I’ve tried things I’ve never tried before. […]
Nomination Time 2012 Fall Blogger's Quilt Festival
Last Friday I posted about my ‘Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt’ (Quilt 138) for Amy’s Creative Side’s Fall Blogger’s Quilt Festival. The deadline has passed for new quilts and over 600 quilts were entered into the festival – TONS of amazing browsing and goggling at quilts to be had! Source: persimondreams.com via Kim on Pinterest […]
Happy Halloween with Trick or Treating and Pumpkins
Truth be told – I LOVE Halloween! I love thinking of the perfect costume and then figuring out how to make it! I love decorations and I love candy! I’ll admit living out in the country and typically being ridiculously busy this time of year it puts a damper on one of my favorite holidays. […]