I’ve been contemplating getting a new camera for a couple of years now. Not just a camera – a real camera. In High School I took a photo class and really enjoyed it. We even got to develop our own prints. I get decent pictures of my girls with my current camera and past camera but it would be nice to have a good camera. I actually purchased it mostly to take better pictures of my creations. I can’t even start to tell you how much time I’ve spent editing photo’s I’ve taken so they look somewhat decent for listing.
I finally did it. I purchased a new camera. It’s a Canon EOS Rebel T3i and all I’ve really done is the point and shoot feature. I’ve played on it for maybe an hour so far. I know there is still so, so, so, so much to learn BUT I am already in love! My editing was drastically time has been cut into a tenth of what it was and I’m loving the shots of I get of my kiddos (coming soon). Here are the first product images I took…these are new to my shop this year too!
These are some of my latest creations – scrappy, wonky patchwork Christmas Tree Ornaments with fun rik rak, glittery trim and even sequins on them! I have them for sale in my etsy shop of course! What do you think?
Since not everyone likes bright colors and crazy holiday decorations like I do I am also working on a more classic line of ornaments. Above is a wonky tree cut out of a vintage calendar linen – of course, I fussy cut out the month of December. Instead of going with a crayon for the ‘trunk’ I chose to use cinnamon sticks for these more traditional ornaments.
Kim, I love these ornaments. You are so creative!
Thanks! They are super fun – and addicting to make! I have about 10 million other things I should be working on and I can't stop making these!