Working on the farm. Now that the weather is warm. Sad Silent Machine.
Secret Tote Swap from Lia’s Handmades
Do you have a bag addiction problem? I know I do (and shoe, and fabric, and hoodie…it may truly have a problem…) Here’s a great way to get a new handmade bag added to your collection. One of my avid Season 4 Project QUILTING Participants – Lia’s Handmades is hosting a ‘Secrete Tote Bag Swap’ […]
Between Heaven and Texas Blog Hop Stop and Giveaway!
Welcome to everyone new and old! I’m so happy to have you at my blog for this stop of the Between Heaven and Texas Blog Hop. This blog hop is to celebrate the release of Marie Bostwick’s new book – Between Heaven and Texas. You’ll be hearing from twelve different people about their take on […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–May Goals
It’s that time of the month again – time to figure out my quilting goals. I have a lot going on this month but I also have a lot of quilting deadlines to try to fit in so things will just have to get done. I think my goals are just going to be what […]
Project QUILTING–Off Season Challenge–Pantone
Six amazing quilts were created for the April Off Season Challenge. (I’ll post closer looks at all the quilts later this week…lots happening today. Go to the flickr group now if you can’t wait to see them!) Let’s see if even more quilts will be made with the May Off Season Challenge. The Challenge It’s […]
Hoppy Easter Haiku
The Bunny did stop a Hoppy Easter to all he did wish to us
A Closer Look, Part 4 – Project QUILTING Challenge Hooray for Spring
Happy Saturday everyone! We have 10 more quilts we need to look at (9 are eligible for the Public Vote). Enjoy! 1. Anticipation closeup, 2. Dynamic vision, 3. new beginnings, 4. Spring has sprung!, 5. Leaping Lizards, 6. In Bloom, 7. Preparing the Nest, 8. Spring has Sprung in Rehab, 9. Window with a View, […]
A Closer Look, Part 3 – Project QUILTING Challenge Hooray for Spring
I have to say – it wasn’t too long ago that I was wondering if Jared and I would ever have friends…or a life… Well, it seems like it’s finally happening! We’re taking the kids over to some friends house for pizza and euchre tonight! Should be fun! I think becoming friends on social networks […]
Grand Prize Winner for Season 4 of Project QUILTING
Every time a quilter made and entered a quilt into the six weekly challenges – their name was entered into the drawing for the final, Grand Prize. 257 quilts were made during the last three months of Project QUILTING (and yes – it’s not even April yet!). 77 quilters participated in at least one challenge […]
A Closer Look, Part 2 – Project QUILTING Challenge Hooray for Spring
It’s almost time for me to sit back, have some popcorn, a beer and enjoy a movie with the hubby. But before I do…let’s take a closer look at eight more of the quilts made for the ‘Hooray for Spring’ Project QUILTING Challenge! 1. ROYGBIV, 2. Partly Sunny, 3. Spring Improv, 4. Blossoms & Blue […]