I snapped this picture from my backyard last night…Mammatus Clouds. So cool!
A Lovely Year of Finishes–Mid May Check In
Today is May 15th. I have to say – it feels like it should be a lot later in the month than that! I have had a dozy of a May – threw out my back, scratched my cornea and had duct surgery… At least that’s three things so much luck is bound to change! […]
My Favorite Block Quilt Along BONUS Dancing Spool 6 inch block Tutorial
I just loved Kym of Fabric Fascinations Pincushion and Dancing Spool Block for the ‘My Favorite Block Quilt Along’ Quilt. I especially loved the wonkiness of the ‘Dancing Spools’. I decided that I wanted at least one 6-inch ‘Dancing Spool’ for my quilt so I came up with an ‘enlarged’ pattern for it. Cutting Instructions […]
Blue Sky Pottery
I have so many things on my list of ‘to blog’ but tonight I’m going to keep my post pretty simple. Yesterday I opened a box from my daughters to find this lovely mug from Blue Sky Pottery. Isn’t it gorgeous!? I admittedly did a little shopping for the girls…for me…BUT I had forgotten about […]
Happy Mother’s Day and a Haiku of Course
Happy Mother’s Day everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day today and show your mom’s some love! Here’s a picture of my mom and I from a few years ago. My mom has been an incredible force in my life. She has raised me to be honest, hard working, and loving. She brought […]
My Favorite Block Quilt Along BONUS Classic Four Patch Tutorial
I’m sure at this point you are all frantically trying to piece your top for the ‘My Favorite Block Quilt Along’ Quilt and you may want some easy peasy 6.5” filler blocks that still look cool. Well – what’s cooler than the Classic Four Patch? Especially when you know the easiest-peasiest way to put it […]
Between Heaven and Texas Book Giveaway Winner
It’s time to announce the winner of the ‘Between Heaven and Texas’ Book Giveaway! 147 comments where left answering my question – How/when do you fit in quilting when the weather gets nice? Most folks just do! My biggest problem is my kids LOVE being outside. My youngest puts on her shoes and coat as […]
Project QUILTING–Off Season Challenge: What’s Your Sign Entries
I’ve been meaning to post closer looks at the six fabulous quilts created for the Off Season Project QUILTING challenge: What’s Your Sign? for a few days now. Well – better late than never! Let’s see what everyone came up with! 1. PQ Off-season Challenge, 2. Aslan of Narnia, My Favorite Leo, 3. Fall Grapes, […]
My Favorite Block Quilt Along–Possible Layouts
I know the deadline of May 25th is looming and you are all antsy to get your tops pieced so you can qualify for the fabulous prizes so I wanted to share with you a few possible layouts for your blocks. Remember – you can lay it out however you would like – these are […]
Lesson Learned
At the beginning of the year one of my goals was to do more pre-blogging. I’m definitely learning this week that I needed to do that. Yesterday I was unable to use the computer due to a scratched cornea (today’s not so good either but definitely better than yesterday). And then – today, my internet […]