It’s your last chance to get your ‘My Favorite Block Quilt Along’ Top Pieced and be eligible for two fabulous prizes: PRIZES to be WON! My friend Shannon brought up a good point – quilt alongs tend to get put in a pile to ‘finish later’. Well – we don’t want that to happen! We […]
It Comes in Fours
So I thought bad things were supposed to come in 3’s…turns out they come in fours. I now have an ear infection. But instead of whining to you all about it I am just going to share with you some pretty cool snap shots I took of our mossy maple tree. I’ll hopefully have a […]
Pop Up Outdoor Quilt Show Sneak Peeks
On Sunday, I was chatting with Diane about her bringing over her Fat Quarter Shop BONUS Project QUILTING Challenge Quilt for me to photograph. Somehow I came up with this fabulous idea to hang as many of my quilts as possible up on the deer fence on the North side of the orchard. The timing […]
Nini’s Granny Square Quilt
I started this quilt in 2012. The amazing woman who watches my children is also a HUGE supporter of my work! I love bringing my ‘projects’ over and hearing what she thinks of them. Last year I snagged some charm squares from her and started to make a granny square quilt out of them for her. […]
Pop Up Outdoor Quilt Show Haiku
Quilts all in a row hanging amongst the blossoms my two worlds combine
Soccer Saturday
Cedi and Capri were on their first Soccer ‘Teams’ this year. I have to say I really enjoyed watching them play. Capri played on the 4K soccer team.With 41 other 5 year olds. It was a bit chaotic but I have to admit I was very impressed at how well they waited in line […]
Blogger’s Quilt Festival–Spring 2013–Entry 2
Happy May 17th everyone again! Today is the start of one of my favorite two times of the year – the Spring Edition of the Blogger’s Quilt Festival over at AmysCreativeSide! If you’ve never been at my blog before – Welcome! and for those who have – Welcome Back! I had a hard time deciding […]
Blogger’s Quilt Festival–Spring 2013
Happy May 17th everyone! Today is the start of one of my favorite two times of the year – the Spring Edition of the Blogger’s Quilt Festival over at AmysCreativeSide! If you’ve never been at my blog before – Welcome! and for those who have – Welcome Back! The first Quilt I would like to […]
Tomorrow is a BIG Day!
Well – it is to me anyway. The Blogger’s Quilt Festival starts tomorrow! I LOVE the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. I know I’m not giving you much time but I need your help deciding on the SECOND quilt that I’m going to enter. I already know that I’m going to enter my ‘Home Sweet Home’ Quilt […]
Blossoming Orchard
It’s for real this time! The orchard is in bloom! Pip and I went for a walk in the orchard once Cedi and Capri got on the bus for school. Pip was in a good mood and I got some fun shots of her with the blossoms.Here are a few shots of the gorgeous brilliant […]