Happy Mother’s Day everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day today and show your mom’s some love!
Here’s a picture of my mom and I from a few years ago. My mom has been an incredible force in my life. She has raised me to be honest, hard working, and loving. She brought stability to my crazy mind and showed me how important responsibility is. I would not be the woman I am without her.
Here is a newspaper picture my Aunt Betty gave me when I got married to Jared. It’s me on my mom’s shoulders when I was five picking apples. I was destined to marry an apple man I guess…
As I raise my three beautiful girls I try to take the best things she taught me and instill them into my children. Of course – I had to share some pictures of the three beautiful girls who made me special on this day.
Jared snapped this picture of me and my three beautiful girls on Pip’s second birthday a few weeks ago. I will cherish this picture forever!Me and my baby!My middle child Capri is going to be a rock star.
Pip realized the other day that Capri forgot her coat for school so she had to bring it out to her as they waited for the bus.
Here’s Papa (aka Jared) and Pip. I have to also give him a HUGE thank you today. Without him I wouldn’t be a mother. Without him I wouldn’t have these three beautiful girls. And without all the support and love he gives me, I wouldn’t be the mom I am to these beauties. Thank you Jared for all you do for our family.
Cedi fell asleep yesterday with her face still painted for Apple Blossom Days.
I snapped this the other morning. It pretty much perfectly depicts the three girls. Cedi’s happy when she’s in charge. Capri’s mad because she wanted to be the only one in the picture, and PIp’s just like, “What? You’re taking a picture? I want to be in it.”
And my Mother’s Day Haiku is how I spent the first hour of mother’s day.
The house is quiet
Tip-toeing to the basement
Stitch. Snip. Press. heaven.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
Diane says
Fabulous haiku
Clear picture in so few words
Happy Mother's Day!
Ang says
I love haiku! Here's one for you –
Apple People are;
Happy, Joyful, Beautiful
Lapacek Orchard
Liz says
Happy belated Mother's Day Kim! You are providing such a rich and happy childhood to your three girls. I hope I can emulate it even a little bit. 🙂
PersimonDreams says
Thanks Liz! I know you're going to be an amazing mom!