I’ve been meaning to post closer looks at the six fabulous quilts created for the Off Season Project QUILTING challenge: What’s Your Sign? for a few days now. Well – better late than never!
Let’s see what everyone came up with!
1. PQ Off-season Challenge, 2. Aslan of Narnia, My Favorite Leo, 3. Fall Grapes, 4. 284343_10200236009160630_1002603259_n, 5. Project Quilting- What is your sign?, 6. Project QUILTING Off Season Challenge – What’s Your Sign?
Quilter: SweetBoaterChick
Sign: Pisces
Pyranha Quilt
I made this quilt based on the Pyranha Kayak logo. Being a Pisces I love the water and feel that freedom whenever in my little red boat. I go with the flow for the most part, but have been know to fight the current when I need to.
I printed the logo onto a light blue batik using my printer. Then framed the print with bright batiks. I quilted it by stitching in the ditch. I even hand stitched the binding on (gasp!).
I made my little Pyranha Quilt in Lanoka Harbor, NJ. It measures 14″ x 14″.
Quilter: Isabella’s Whimsy
Sign: Leo
Aslan of Narnia, My Favorite Leo
What’s My Sign? Leo! This wall hanging has been through quite a bit before finishing up right here. You can read about it on my blog if you like: isabellaswhimsy.wordpress.com/blog/
I thought I would attach the pieces of the mane together by overlapping the edges and sewing with decorative machine stitching…not the best idea for durability, but a learning experience. I used some hand quilting on the face, then machine quilted around each section of the mane and once around the head. I attached fast triangles on the back for hanging.
If I make Aslan again, and I will, I will use different techniques.
Even though I tore out many stitches, I am glad I went through the process and learned all kinds of surprises on the way. :o)
Size: about 21″ square
Location: College Station, TX
Quilter: tjtruesdale
Sign: Libra
Fall Grapes
Read more on her BLOG HERE.
Quilter: Cotton N Lace
Sign: Virgo
Virgo Mermaid
size 10 1/2″x20 1/2″
Made in South Africa
By Amanda Reid
Altho Virgo is an earthy maiden I saw some ‘Virgo Mermaids’ and I am an ‘earthy’ person but also a ‘water baby’!..So I like the idea to be a bit ‘whimsical’..hence the ‘Mer-Maiden’!
Alot of experimenting went on here…thread painting….body and hair…metallic threads(hair) and invisible thread(sky and tail..sea)…paper piecing on the tail and inkjet printing for body…alto was a bit dull so coloured in with marker pens…the sky is some material I experimented with marble technique..she also has a ‘tattoo’ of the Virgo sign stitched on her arm….a lot of left over fabric from the other projects were used here.
This was a fun quilt to try certain techniques…especially since I am quite nervous for upcoming IQCAfrica Challenge I have entered!!
Quilter: KrisTMJ
Sign: Cancer
Project Quilting – What is your sign?
Off season challenge for Project Quilting at Persimon Dreams.
My sign: Cancer
Size: 16 x 16 approx
I chose a celestial interpretation of the sign by doing the constellation in a prism quilt.
blogged: www.sewsunshine.blogspot.com
Made in Nebraska
The pattern is a variation of Anna Maria Horner’s Patchwork Prism only mini!
Quilter: PersimonDreams
Aries Bag
I created a quilted bag for the Project QUILTING Off Season Challenge – What’s Your Sign?
I just learned how to make these fabulous pleated bags (super easy btw) and love how they look.
For this challenge I Took a bold spring print – since aries is a spring sign and we tend to be straigt forward and to the point – just like this big floral print from Laura Gunn. Then I mixed in a fun Zebra print for the middle. I love how the two prints mixed!
Next, I played with some Kirigami folding like I did for the ‘My Favorite Color’ Challenge I fold papers in three ways – snowflake, star, and spider and then drew the sign of the Aries onto the paper before I cut them out. I traced the pattern onto fuxible and put the tree flowers onto the zebra print. When I cut out the pattern I left one petal full to symbolize the portion of the zodiac that aries is. Then – I fused them onto the bag.
The insides of the flowers were hearts so I also fused a few of these to the lower portion of the bag just to add a bit extra.
The bag is very lightly quilted – just two lines to keep the thin batting in place. I didn’t want to take away from the natural shape the pleat adds by doing too much quilting.
The bag is lined with an original spoonflower fabric that I made from a picture of a outerspace quilt.
Finally I embellished both sides of the bag with two fun circular-esque black and white striped beads.
Very happy with how this turned out!
There is an off season challenge for may already up – Pantone! I hope you enjoy these little challenges of mine!
made by Kim Lapacek
Poynette WI
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