just moments of time sneaking down to sew, create moments of magic
The Outer Banks of North Carolina–Part 4
Bodie Island Lighthouse After our fabulous trip to the Aquarium, we grabbed some lunch at Big Al’s (Capri was really excited about this since her godfather is Al) and then headed out to the Bodie Island Light Station. The Bodie Lighthouse was closed to the public for many years but to our luck…”There was a […]
The Outer Banks of North Carolina–Part 3
The Aquarium On Thursday of our trip we packed up the car and left our cozy little house on the beach for short trip to Roanoke Island to the Aquarium. It was an easy drive including going across a bridge the girls enjoyed. And it was so worth it! It didn’t take Pip […]
City Sampler Sew Along Blocks 4, 5, 6…and 7
Let’s see what the next Tula Pink City Sampler Blocks look like…Block 4Block 5 Block 6 Block 7. I did a bonus block this week just because I had time…I figure I may as well get as much ahead as I can when I can since things always come up. I really do love these […]
A Closer Look at Bonus Project QUILTING Fat Quarter Shop Bundle Challenge- Part 2
Nine amazing quilts were created for the BONUS Project Quilting Challenge: Fat Quarter Shop Fabric Bundle – Tradition Times Three. Today we’re going to take a closer look at four more of them (I’ll be sharing mine in a separate post so I can show you some more details…). 1. One Fish, Two Fish – […]
Entries for the May Project QUILTING Off Season Challenge: Pantone and a Winner!
Six quilts or bags were inspired by the Off Season May Project Quilting Challenge Pantone. Let’s take a closer look and then find out who Pip picked to win the great prize from Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting. 1. PQ Pantone CH, 2. picnic basket, 3. Project Quilting = Patone Challenge, 4. Star of Bethlehem, […]
The Outer Banks of North Carolina–Part 2
The Beach We spent the majority of our time at the beach on our vacation. The water was a bit cold but we all had fun anyway. I tried to just show you my favorites…but there may be a few… Cedi wanted to be buried in the sand… Pip decided to make herself comfortable on […]
A Closer Look at Bonus Project QUILTING Fat Quarter Shop Bundle Challenge–Part 1
Nine amazing quilts were created for the BONUS Project Quilting Challenge: Fat Quarter Shop Fabric Bundle – Tradition Times Three. Today we’re going to take a closer look at four of them. 1. iPad Bag 5, 2. Red Sky at Night – large fish, 3. Project Quilting-Tradition Times Three, 4. Squares All Around Remember – […]
The Outer Banks of North Carolina–Part 1
I’m not exactly sure how many parts I’m going to split these North Carolina posts into…but I have a lot of great pictures and I want to share them all! But don’t worry – I won’t…I’ll try really hard to just show you the best of the best. We loaded into our van at 4am […]
June Off Season Project QUILTING Challenge – Texture
I just spent an amazing 9 days on vacation. Well- technically 6.5 of them were amazing…2.5 were spent in the van…but that really wasn’t too bad either. Our family rented a little house about a block off the beach in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This is the first time we’ve taken this long […]