The Aquarium
On Thursday of our trip we packed up the car and left our cozy little house on the beach for short trip to Roanoke Island to the Aquarium. It was an easy drive including going across a bridge the girls enjoyed.
And it was so worth it!
It didn’t take Pip long to journey out of her stroller to see the turtles, fish, alligators, and snakes.
One of the cooler things the girls got to do was treat and rehabilitate sea turtles. When you entered the room they chose a turtle, brought it to a station to be analyzed. Once any problems were found they brought it to the medical station for treatment, next rehabilitation, and then finally released it back into the ocean.
Yes – we got to pet sting rays – even me! They felt like Jell-O!
And they got to pet sea stars (we found out they are no longer called star fish – they’ve been renamed to sea stars), conches, and sea urchins.
Pip didn’t touch anything but she was very intent watching it all.
The girls were mesmerized by everything they saw.
Unknowingly, we timed it perfectly and caught the ‘Shark Tank’ show. A diver got into the shark tank and then the audience was able to ask her questions about the sharks as they swam all around her. Super cool.
Capri’s question, “Where do sharks sleep?”
Answer…wherever they want. They take 15 second ‘naps’ through out the day and that’s how/when they sleep.
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