I first met Marie Bostwick at the Houston Quilt Festival this past fall. She was a wonderful, hilarious and charismatic person and I immediately wanted to be her friend. I was beyond excited to hear that she had booked a talk at the Lodi Public Library, just one town over from me. Of course, I […]
Summer Time Fun
Wow! What a summer! I have so so so many things I need to share with you … like hearing Marie Bostwick speak, the Lodi Ag Fair, quilts I’m working on and of course – what the girls’ have been up too. I’ve mentally been writing out blog posts to share with you but it’s […]
The Hot Dog Stand
I had a quilt planned to share with you today but I haven’t quite gotten it to the stage that I want to photograph it yet. So – I headed down to my sewing room and pieced Pat Sloan’s 7th block for her Vacation Time Mystery Quilt Along – The Hot Dog Stand! There is […]
Happy Amazon Prime Day!
Dreaming in Fabric–Block 1–Cortland Quarter Star
The ‘Dreaming in Fabric mystery QAL’ starts today! Shannon from Fabrics N Quilts and I are hosting this fun scrappy mystery together! Join us the 15th of July, August and September for unique scrap quilt block tutorials. We are partnering to bring you this QAL as part of the 5th Annual Scrap Quilt Challenge! I […]
Friendship Star Prize Winners
I just realized that I forgot to have winner’s drawn for the ‘Friendship Star Quilt Submissions’. Seriously – don’t hesitate to message me to remind me! I will add it to my calendar for the future and try to be better. Sixty-one amazing quilts were created for the Focus Through the Prism Challenge and I […]
Hi-De-Ho Cheerio Quilt Top
It’s time for a reveal of another mini quilt top I made for the Aurifil Designers series happening now. This is ‘Hi-Di-Ho Cheerio’ designed by Barb Groves and Mary Jacobson of Me and My Sister Designs. I used my spoonflower fabrics again. It’s a bit of a crazy quilt but I so love all the […]
Dreaming in Fabric Mystery QAL
It’s Thursday everyone! It’s time start getting you even more excited about the ‘dreaming in Fabric Mystery QAL’ I’m teaming up with Shannon of Fabrics N Quilts to bring you all! Grab the button below to help share the word with all your friends! <div align="center"><a href="http://www.fabricsnquilts.com/scrapquiltchallenge" title="Dreaming in Fabric Mystery QAL"><img src="https://vw-fabricsnquilts.storage.googleapis.com/cache/f5/48/f548fad23e2eb0feb1ed5fb82e83fdfb.jpg" alt="Dreaming in […]
2015 Summer Art Camp for Kids
Sadly, this summer our school district did not offer a summer art class as part of their summer school curriculum for students just finishing the first grade. I’m sure many of you know that Capri is big into art. She is forever creating new things and coming up with ideas I would never have dreamed […]
“Flight School” Quilt Top
My ‘Quilt Top To Do’ List for July is slightly ridiculous. I’m pretty sure have about five quilt tops that I need to finish, start and finish, or design, start and finish … in just four weeks. Oops! At least it’s something I love. I have to be honest – after my vacation to Mexico […]