I first met Marie Bostwick at the Houston Quilt Festival this past fall. She was a wonderful, hilarious and charismatic person and I immediately wanted to be her friend. I was beyond excited to hear that she had booked a talk at the Lodi Public Library, just one town over from me. Of course, I was going! And Marie (yes, we’re on a first name basis) was wonderful as always.
She had the crowd laughing, nodding in agreement and yes, even in tears at time – all in just an hour and half! She read excerpts from her books, share life antidotes, and even some inside scoops on being a real life author!
If you see that she is speaking in your area I highly recommend stopping in to hear her.
And – if you haven’t read her books yet! Where have you been!? Her latest book The Second Sister
is a great read and as a bonus – it’s set in Wisconsin! It’s always fun when authors use your home state to set the scene. I was really excited to hear that Marie’s next book is a sequel to her book Between Heaven and Texas (Cobbled Court Quilts)
. This is one of my favorite books of hers and I can’t wait to read more about what’s to happen! Amazon.com Widgets
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