Modern Quilts Unlimited is having a new challenge – Everything Old is New Again Block and Quilt Challenge! You all know how much I love a good challenge and even though I have lots of other things to do … I’m in on this one! The first block challenge was the flying geese block. Part […]
2015 Lodi Ag Fair
July brings one of my favorite events of the year – the Lodi Ag Fair. The Lodi Ag Fair is also pretty much the Lodi Valley Quilter’s Guild’s quilt show for the year. This year we had around 120 quilts hanging! It was amazing! And the quilts get judged. A few years ago I went […]
A Mug and a Mitten: Winter Wonderland
The Winter Wonderland Sew Along with Sherri Falls of This & That Patterns over at the Fat Quarter Shop, or as they are calling it, a #verysherrichristmas continues! This is probably the last thing I should be working on but the blocks are just adorable and cute that I can’t stop! They look complicated but […]
Shop Up Saturday
It’s Saturday night and I’m going to share with you a new feature. I’m going to be 100% up front with you. I’m posting these things below that I am an affiliate for. If you click through and make a purchase, I receive a cut. That being said – everything I’m going to share with […]
Roses for Karen
Earlier this summer a friend of mine told me devastating news … she had cancer and would have to go through some intense, painful, and nauseating treatments to beat it. I have to admit … I’m not very good with bad news. I haven’t had too much tragedy/sadness in my life to this point but […]
HST Light/Bright Swap
HST noun 1. H(alf) S(quare) T(riangle). a quilt block that consists of two triangles connected at a 45-degree angle to create a square. Half Square Triangles, HSTs, are fundamental elements in so many different quilt blocks. The possibilities with these fun little blocks are truly endless! When my friend Trish said that she was hosting […]
the dot, ish, sky color
I have three beautiful girls that I love more than I ever imagined I could ever love. I love them and they terrify me. I hope to raise them to be strong, kind, confident, creative, independent women who love and respect themselves. But how do you do this!? photo by Karmen Lindner Photography I also […]
Dresden Neighborhoods Everywhere!
A few weeks ago I taught my very first class on my ‘Dresden Neighborhood Quilt Pattern’ at Mill House Quilts. It wasn’t long after the class was announced that it was full … which is a complement in itself. By the time the class actually started there were six people on the wait list! Which […]
Winter Wonderland Sew Along with the Fat Quarter Shop
Happy Sunday everyone! My parents snagged my kids on Friday for a few days so I’ve been busy sewing my heart out. It’s been great. Yesterday was the first day of the Winter Wonderland Sew Along with Sherri Falls of This & That Patterns over at the Fat Quarter Shop, or as they are calling […]
Pinwheels All Around Block Tutorial
Each month with each new Focus Through the Prism Project QUILTING Challenge, I am sharing a fun 20” quilt block tutorial based of that months block inspiration. This month we are to be inspired by the Pinwheel. I came up with the ‘Pinwheels All Around Block’. Pinwheels are not a tricky quilt block … but […]