Sadly, this summer our school district did not offer a summer art class as part of their summer school curriculum for students just finishing the first grade. I’m sure many of you know that Capri is big into art. She is forever creating new things and coming up with ideas I would never have dreamed of! It’s so cool to see her so into something. It is her passion and I like to do whatever I can to encourage it. Cedi and Pip also enjoy art projects but it’s not quite as big of deal to them as it is Capri. I’m sure many of you understand too that it’s not always easy to teach your kids things. There’s just so much that ‘mom’ can tell her kids to do and they don’t get upset or annoyed. Which is why, once I realized there was just no way to get Capri into the art class … I went looking for alternatives. And I found it – in Jeanne Oliver’s ‘2015 Summer Art Camp for Kids’. I signed up as soon as saw the beautiful projects they would be working on. We printed out the supply list and headed to the store to get the supplies we didn’t already have (mainly canvases). Last week – we did our first art class. I say we because of course I had to do the project too! You’re never too old to learn new techniques and have fun with art projects!
We started with the ‘Paper Hearts’ project. Along with al the supplies on the list I also added in a big tablecloth. Now – the kids know it’s art time when I cover the table up!
I set the ipad up on one end of the table and we contently watched the lesson. If we needed extra time to finish a step – we just pushed pause and continued when we were ready!
The girls had a great time. I would say that this particular project was a bit much for Pip (a young 4 year old) but I did the first steps for her and then she was able to place her hearts as she desired.
Here is Pip and her project ‘Paper Hearts’. We didn’t have as big of a canvas as the supply list said (which is 100% okay) so instead we put together canvases to get a fun effect!
Here is Georgia’s project!
Capri is pretty excite about hers!
And Cedi is my child who will never admit she likes art projects but once she starts … she always has fun!
And here is my project! I put together four mini canvases.
I will hanging them on the all so there is a little break between things. I am so happy with how these turned out and I can’t wait until I put the tablecloth onto the table again so we can work on another art project! Did I mention – I had between 3 to 4 hours with no fighting, no whining, no complaining. That in itself, is worth it!
Oh what fun!!! Good ideas and great smiles!
First, the art looks great. I love the mini cavases, they will make such great groupings on the wall. Awesome idea to do an online class! My youngest would probably enjoy an art class, too.
Second, I totally get the statement, "There’s just so much that ‘mom’ can tell her kids to do and they don’t get upset or annoyed." Even though I was a lifeguard and taught swim lessons for years, once my kids got past floating and the dog paddle, they were done hearing it from me and had to go to the Y.
What a fun project!! I love that you did it all together. It's also fabulous that you took the lack of an art camp into your own hands—I wonder if my kids (5 and 3) would be interested long enough to do a project like that…. hmmmmm….. thank you for the inspiration, and lovely works of art, all around!
Such an awesome project. And I love that the kids are taking a class on line just like grownups….instead of video games!!!