Jared and my birthday’s are just under a month a part. This year – my sister-in-law sent us a gift certificate that was for us to go eat somewhere nice in Madison OR go on a Betty Lou Cruise. It was enough that it basically covered a cruise for the two older girls, Jared and […]
Spoonflower Fabric Friday – Pinwheels
I haven’t posted a spoonflower fabric feature in a few weeks but I figure today is the perfect day. I took one photo that I took of a pinwheel to create all these spectacular fabrics. Just by cropping and playing with colors and effects you can see all the differences in the pieces. Foggy Pinwheels […]
Sew Intertwined Quilt Along with Sew Bittersweet Designs and Sew Happy Geek – Fabric from FabricFascination
A Quilt Along put on by Sew Bittersweet Designs and SewHappyGeek Today I’m going to pick out some fabric from FabricFascination that would look great in the ‘Sew Intertwined Quilt Along’ being put on by my friend Melissa of Sew Bittersweet Designs and SewHappyGeek. This is my last ‘fabric shopping’ post so I don’t have […]
Pip’s New Trick
We discovered the other day that Pip loves to give ‘Herbert’s’ (aka Zerbert or Raspberries…I accidently called them Herbert’s when we first taught the girls and it stuck). Lately my big girls have been the best big sisters! I’m so lucky that they enjoy playing with her as much as they do and I’m aware […]
Block of the Month and Quilt Along Update
Hi everyone! I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone! We’ve gotten both of our older daughter’s teacher assignments and I went ‘Back to School’ clothes shopping for them on Monday. I can’t believe that TWO of them will be in school this year! Even though things are a bit crazy around here I’ve […]
QuiltCon Block Entry
I saw this challenge ages ago but only just this weekend finally had a chance to create a block for it. Your challenge is to use the colors of the QuiltCon logo to make a quilt block that reflects what modern quilting means to you. You can read more about the challenge and guidelines HERE. […]
Adventures in Free Motion Quilting…Seasons Quilt Quilted
I have been working on this post for the last two days. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this blog out. Apple season has officially started two weeks earlier than normal. With our crazy spring weather (warm March, cold April) we lost a bit of our apple crop. I do think I’ll be […]
Sew Intertwined Quilt Along with Sew Bittersweet Designs and Sew Happy Geek – Fabric from Fabrics N Quilts
A Quilt Along put on by Sew Bittersweet Designs and SewHappyGeek Today I’m going to pick out some fabric from Fabrics N Quilts that would look great in the ‘Sew Intertwined Quilt Along’ being put on by my friend Melissa of Sew Bittersweet Designs and SewHappyGeek. I haven’t pulled fabric from my stash for this […]
Sisterly Love
I’ll admit – there are days when my girls make me want to pull my hair out. And I’m sure that’s going to continue to happen – especially since we have THREE girls (…well..technically FOUR girls) under one roof…poor, poor Jared. But I think lately there have been more times when their sisterly love just […]
Sew Intertwined Quilt Along with Sew Bittersweet Designs and Sew HappyGeek – Fabric from Spiceberry Cottage
A Quilt Along put on by Sew Bittersweet Designs and SewHappyGeek Today I’m going to pick out some fabric from the Spice Berry Cottage – a great online fabric store that I initially discovered on etsy when I was looking for some particular fabrics. I have continued to order from her and LOVE the quality […]