I’ll admit – there are days when my girls make me want to pull my hair out. And I’m sure that’s going to continue to happen – especially since we have THREE girls (…well..technically FOUR girls) under one roof…poor, poor Jared.
But I think lately there have been more times when their sisterly love just makes my heart want to melt. The other night, after I got home from the craftacular and the adults were having a beer to relax, the girls decided to play together.
Pip climbed into the wagon, Capri pulled the wagon and Cedi helped guide from the back with her skates on.
They went around and around and around again in the driveway. No whining. No crying. A few times Cedi was even sprawled out on the driveway…still…no crying. A miracle? No, I think it’s just Sisterly Love.
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