It is currently 0 degrees here in Wisconsin. Zero. With the windchill it feels like –11. Yup – that’s NEGATIVE 11! With that weather I’m pretty sure there is just one thing to do … sew! Good thing it’s time for another Project QUILTING Challenge! This is the fourth challenge which means we’re over the […]
Challenge 4 Prize Post–Project QUILTING
Happy Sunday February 15th and Project QUILTING Challenge Day! In just a few hours the next challenge will be posted. I just want to stress than in order to qualify to win these prizes and for the Grand Prize your Project QUILTING piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during […]
Orphan Block Challenge Prize Winners
I’m going to start my blogging today by announcing the winners of all the Project QUILTING Orphan Block Challenge! Congratulations to Creatin’ in the Sticks! Her quilt Triad of Color won ‘Viewer’s Choice’ this week with 198 votes!!!! Carla will be eagerly watching her mailbox for her prize of … 10 Small Spools of Jillily […]
Toes in the Sand
It was an ‘off’ week for Project QUILTING so I’ve been able to get some of my ‘other’ tasks done. One of those was testing a pattern for a friend who designs quilts … but I can’t show you that yet! I also worked on my #scrappycrownalong and finished up my love quilt. What I’m […]
Layout 5 for the #ScrappyCrownAlong
Happy Thursday! I’m a little late posting the new #scrappycrownalong because I had to get my blocks all made up for it! I really need to work ahead of time so I can keep up! I have all the layouts designed on EQ7 now and I’m really excited about how this quilt is going to […]
Hearts Content Quilt Contest
I just love Edyta Sitar and when I saw that her and the Fat Quarter shop were having a challenge – I was in! Here’s what I came up with for the ‘Hearts Content’ Challenge. I use Edyta’s mini charm pack for the letters L O V E and then I used a fabric from […]
Layout 4 for the #ScrappyCrownAlong
Happy Monday everyone! Are you enjoying your Mondays? As a stay at home mom I have to admit that I do love my Monday’s. The big girls go back to school, hubby goes to work and it’s just Pip and me hanging out. Pip’s been extra adorable this morning drawing a purple and ‘lellow’ sun […]
Orphan Block Project QUILTING Challenge Time to Vote!
TIME TO VOTE! Choose your SIX Favorite Quilts below that were created for the Project QUILTING Challenge – UFO/Orphan Block and click on the heart to vote (upper right corner)! You can click on the photo’s themselves to read the ‘story’ behind the quilt – my favorite part! Vote by clicking on the heart in […]
Universal Pandemonium: Finished Project QUILTING
I thought the UFO/Orphan Block Project QUILTING Challenge was a bit easy. I do have to say though I’m glad it was as there were many obstacles to deal with this week that prevented me from spending much time on my piece. Luckily – I knew exactly which piece I was going to work with […]
2nd National Quilts of Valor Sew Day
The 2nd National Quilts Of Valor Sew Day is today - February 7, 2015. Quilters across America will sit down and sew for our service members and veterans touched by war. My guild – the Lodi Valley Quilt Guild is sewing at Dane Fire Station on Saturday, February 7th from 9:30am to 3:30pm. I have […]