*When did you first start creating things? I first started creating precious baby items after my son was born. I needed to find a way to make a little extra money as a stay at home mom. It started with a craft fair and then I found Etsy! The rest is well…history! *What were the […]
Little Girls and Little Dresses
In honor of Capri turning 1 on Tuesday (holy moly!), I’m doing a feature on some adorable little dresses I found on etsy. I recently purchased some patterns to make dresses of my own but I have no idea how long it will take me to get to that part of my list! From one […]
Quilts By Barb Etsy Shop!
Hello everyone! I just wanted to share some wonderful news with you! I have been helping Barb set up her very own etsy shop. Yes, you can now view all the amazing quilts that Barb makes herself and easily purchase them. There are currently seven items listed in her shop. Over the next few days […]
Under the Sea Quilt from Barb and Katrina
As you saw in a previous blog entry I showed off the murals that I painted in my girls room. Both girls started out there lives living ‘Under the Sea’. The quilt I’m showing off in this entry is one that was given to my daughter Cedi by my aunt Barb and her daughter Katrina […]
2009 Dyeing Day Workshop! Part 2
What’s for lunch? What a great question. I haven’t quite figured out the details yet since I’m not sure how many people are planning on attending. I can assure you that there will be plenty of it and it will be yummy! Make sure to sign up today! http://merr.com/users/lapacek/dyeing_day.htm
Bling Bling!
Last Saturday I was at Capri Gallery in Poynette, WI, for the a special ‘meet the artist’ afternoon. I was there along with two other jewelry makers and one antique jewelry collector. It was wonderful to meet other’s that share my passion for jewelry making. One of the other’s there, Jodi Anderson, from Odilla Products, […]
Treasury Saturday (of course)
I have been doing these treasury Saturday features for a few weeks now…to find out more about them click on “What is A Treasury.” Again, I have managed to curate in quite a few treasuries and have been featured in a few myself this past week. Here are the beautiful curations: I’m going to switch […]
An Interview with Chris from PalominoMorgan
PalominoMorgan makes adorable stuffed bunnies for your kids to play with…here’s her story… Tell me a little bit about your background in arts and crafts.When did you first start creating things? I have always had a very vivid imagination and I was creating things from my earliest memories. My brother and I would make elaborate […]
An Interview with Karma Lapacek…Creator of 'True Lover's Knot'
I was lucky enough to marry into an incredibly talented family. I’ve shown off my mother-in-law’s work and today I want to shop off one of the quilts my sister-in-law put together…the True Lover’s Knot. This fabric is absolutely stunning. Karma chose an amazing swirly, colorful patterned commercial fabric and then accented it with fabric […]
An Interview with Kate from digibling
I first discovered digibling‘s shop when I was looking for another little Christmas gift for my brother. My brother is a computer NERD! (Sorry Brian, but it’s true) and I ended up getting him MICROCHIP CUFFLINKS (I know, how perfect is that for a computer nerd?)! Of course, he loved them and now everyone at […]