This week started out slow for treasuries but quickly picked up some pace in the last day! I hope you enjoy them this week (I’ve been featured in NINE! and I put together THREE!) Have fun looking! VickiDianeDesigns Artists of EtsyBABY exposed has been a huge hit! It’s been at number 1 of hotness on […]
mattEtsy Admin matt says:Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission voted unanimously(2-0) to issue a one year stay of enforcement for certain testing and certification requirements for manufacturers and importers of regulated products, including products intended for children 12 years old and younger. These requirements are part of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement […]
Meet Kiki from AlltheNumbers
AlltheNumbers is an amazing store that makes amazing baby items. She is a member of two of the same teams as me: Quiltsy and etsyBABY. I have featured many of her items in my treasuries and now I want to introduce her to you. AlltheNumbers will also be affected by this new law but not […]
My Favorite Part about Making a Quilt….
I’m going to start mixing things up a bit now. I’ll continue to publish interviews with people affected by the CPSIA Law, but I’m going to add some other fun things back into this blog as well. Today, I’m going to share with you the responses I got from a fun little thread I started […]
Please read this article to learn about the TRUTH and REALITY of the CPSIA’s new law! As parents and concerned citizens I’m sure most of us at one time or another have been confronted with the question of lead poisoning. But have you asked yourself what your government is doing to protect your children from […]
An Interview with Nancy from TuTuCuteandMoore
Do you really not want to be able to buy your child/granddaughter/niece/friend an adorable handmade tutu from TUTUCUTEANDMOORE? SAVE HANDMADE! Tell me a little bit about your background in arts and crafts.I grew up watching my mother sew and run a small business with her creations. She taught me patience, as well as giving me […]
An Interview with Hilda from WarmandFuzzyBaby UPDATED 2/22/10
Time to meet Hilda from WarmandFuzzyBaby…yet another adorable shop about to basically be closed down if something doesn’t change… Tell me a little bit about your background in arts and crafts. I am a stay at home mom. I was a critical care nurse who started selling on Etsy after rediscovering crocheting. I`ve seen my […]
An Interview with ME! (KimsCraftyApple)
For the past week or so I’ve been doing interviews with shops that are going to be affected by the CPSIA Law starting on February 10th, 2009. Turns out…my shop is also going to be affected so I thought I would do an interview with myself so you can see what will be missing from […]
TREASURY Saturday!
Yup! It’s Saturday again and even though I’m featuring etsy artists’ that will be affected by this CPSIA Law, I’m still going to show off the treasuries that I either made or my items made it into!ENJOY! This beautiful treasury was put together by sewciopath and was called “Danger to Society.” It was to emphasize […]
An Interview with Renee of TadpoleCreations
I’m sticking to the same theme…another store, Tadpole Creations to be affected by the CPSIA Law…. Tell me a little bit about your background in arts and crafts. A child of the seventies, the daughter of a ceramist and woodworker turned into successful interior designers. Fast forward 30 years, I am the mother of 3 […]