Today I’m going to introduce you to a wonderful seller on etsy, VickiDianeDesigns. VickiDiane puts together these amazingly stunning and popular treasuries that ‘exposes’ the artists’ of etsy. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see the face behind the work…like going to an online craft fair! I have worked with her on a couple of different […]
Fabulous Feedback
Here is some feedback that I’ve recieved from my customers. “Hi Kim–My husband and I were at the WIST trunk show last night and bought a few items from you for Christmas. Just wanted to say thanks for the great jewelry at fabulous prices. All of your things were absolutely awesome–it was so hard to […]
Work In Progress – My Woven Quilt
I have chosen to enter my woven quilt into the virtual quilt festival because of a few reasons: 1) It took me four years to complete it2) I love the color3) It’s a technique you don’t see very often! I hope you enjoy reading about this quilt! Since publishing this post, I did decide to […]
Treasury Saturday
Another week of treasuries gone by. I was able to snag two of them. The first I will talk about it called ‘Playground for Cora Paige’. It displays twelve etsians that have special items whose proceeds go 100% toward the Cora Paige Playground fund. To read more about this cause check out the article written […]
Meet EllaBellaMay!
My Background: Technically, I am not a typical artsy person. Currently, I am in clinical research, and previously, I was a chemist. So, making my elephants is a creative escape for me. I started out making quilts when I was 18, and still love creating them, but the elephants that I make now are faster […]
Winter Dyeing Adventure
On Monday, February 23rd, Diane and I decided to do some fabric dyeing. I have a custom order for seven different shirts/tanks/rompers for one family and I was going to fill that order. As I was going through our white clothing inventory I discovered that I was ONE large t-shirt short…so, it turned out into […]
Cora’s Playground: Etsy Benefit Sale
A little girl named Cora, who was just over a week younger than my baby Capri, passed away recently from cancer. To read more about her story please go to: AND Many etsian sellers have decided to sell specific items whose profit will go directly towards a playground in Cora’s name. I could […]
I know! I can’t believe it either! My baby girl is one today! In remembrance of that special day I’m going to take a little look back…February 24th, 2008I woke up that morning extremely uncomfortable because I was ridiculously pregnant and baby girl was hanging out with her feet jammed under my ribs. Also, today […]
etsyBABY Spring Fling Challenge
I received the following email on February 12th and immediately decided I wanted to participate:Here are the following details to participate in the Spring Fling Challenge: A. Make an item to be listed in your shop that has a feel of “Spring” to it. B. All Items should be listed by the 1st of March. […]
Treasury Saturday
It was another fun week for treasury making! I challenged myself in a new way. I created my three treasuries this week all from the artists’ that had commented on the previous treasury I had made. Sort of as an incentive for people to comment, but also as a wonderful challenge to try to make […]