Yesterday the girls had their ‘well baby’ check up with a new doctor. That’s right, I’m sad to say that my other doctor left the clinic for bigger and better things (another baby and no more OB…) and I had to find a new one. Well, I headed a bit closer to home and now […]
Keywords from Etsy’s Front Page – October 13th – 19th
And yet another rendition of Keyword’s from etsy! Let’s get started: KEYWORDS wolf cream woodland harvest forest retro plum romantic ice blue rustic INSPIRED BY: shades of yellow crafting fall fashion x 2 fall weddings winter accessories etsy Halloween x 2 woodlands tribal style slow food winter holidays x 2 autumn entertaining Etsy’s Geekery […]
Christmas In October?
If you’re anything like me and you love gift giving and finding the best gifts for that special occasion or holiday season you are always on the look out for presents. I figured, since I have them ready, I might as well start posting them for those that think about what gifts to give and […]
Yes, it’s true. Capri is finally starting to talk more. It seems like it’s taken so long to get her to say words! I know she understands everything going on but she got by without having to communicate (speaking-wise) for so long I guess she didn’t feel the urge to talk. Sure, she’s been saying […]
Sunday Gifts – The Babysitter
I think I’m going to start a new feature for Sunday’s. Since apple season is slowly winding down I’ll have a little more time to devote to this blog. One of the things I pride myself in is the ability to give thoughtful gifts to people. I’m going to try to post some great gift […]
Treasury Saturday – October 17th (Happy Birthday Liz!)
A good friend and neighbor growing up has a birthday today so I’d just like to wish her a Happy Happy Birthday! Liz…I hope you have a fabulous day! Once again it’s supposed to be cold today but luckily the snow is out of the forecast (supposedly…). I’m off to the farmer’s market to […]
Themed Thursday – Knitting Mania!
I am currently reading the book “The Friday Night Knitting Club” by Kate Jacobs. Which I’m completely enthralled with. I wish it wasn’t apple season or I would have had it finished two days ago! One of the reviews from USA Today says “makes you yearn for yarn, even if you’re not a knitter.” SO […]
TheApple’s in this Weeks VOter!
Yeah! My RIP Tombstone Earrings from theApple made this weeks voter! As you can see…they are in desperate need of your vote! If you are an etsy member please sign in and go and vote! I really appreciate your help and support! Click HERE to read about the details of this week’s voter. Voter Link: […]
Keywords from Etsy’s Front Page – October 6th – 12th
I had to start this article out with a screenshot of one of my treasuries that made the front page last week. Always so exciting! Here we go again! KEYWORDS: typewriter mod harvest woodland anatomy avocado green linen trick or treat natural history avocado rustic owl camera autumn olive scarlet INSPIRED BY: Tribal autumn weddings […]
Yummy Recipe using Pumpkin!
My sister-in-law’s friend Kate, her husband Colin and adorable little boy, Keaton. She is also a fellow mom blogger and I would like to call her my friend as well since we bonded at a wedding over our stock of wine (they don’t serve during dinner so we had to stock up…). Anyway, the whole […]