I keep posting about being in the voter…if you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about please feel free to read the Voter FAQ. I’ve been lucky to be nominated in a fair number of voters this year. I’m happy to say that my Patchwork Trick or Treat Bag was nominated and chose for this […]
Across the Nation String Block Quilt
I participated in the Team Quiltsy Block Exchange earlier this year. Quilters from across the country exchanged string block quilts to create some fabulous creations. We each sent out 12 – 12.5” string blocks, they were then mixed up by PamelaQuilts and redistributed amongst the participants. I laid mine out when I received them in […]
Treasury Saturday, September 26th
Happy Saturday! Looks like it’s going to be a bit overcast and rainy today…I just hope it holds off until my Farmer’s Market is over! Here are the treasuries I made and have been honored to be featured in this past week…Enjoy! Treasury: Autumn’s Brilliance Curator: Bytheway Item Featured: Fall Leafy Sunrise Bodysuit – 18 […]
Themed Thursday – Autumnal Equinox
Since we recently finished celebrating the autumnal equinox I felt it appropriate to find some great etsy finds having to do with this beautiful change in seasons. Autumnal Equinox – Fine Art Photography by theeye Equinox Ring – oxidized sterling silver, vintage charm – Custom made to order by twochickstoo Limited Edition Crow at Dusk […]
Random Pictures
Capri decided this morning that she wanted to poop on the potty…didn’t actually happen but she looks cute! The girls on the big rock in the front yard.Grass love Capri and being carried around like this doesn’t bother him at all…otherwise I think he would run away from Capri instead of to. I […]
Etsy Front Page Keyword for September September 14th – September 21st
Happy Autumn! Here you go: Don’t forget that we have a few new merchandising tips for our shops this month from ETSY that can be found HERE. (love some feedback if this is helping you out or not…) KEYWORD: etsy Halloween x 3 harvest x 7 tribal feng shui autumn gold autumn accessories x 2 […]
Etsy VOTER & Schlitz Beer!
Yeah! I’m so excited to tell you all that my Schlitz Vintage Beer Can Earrings made this weeks etsy voter – ‘Which Oktoberfest Item Fills Your Stein?’! Please stop by HERE and give me your support!Thanks so much 🙂http://www.etsy.com/voter_list.php?ref=voter&room_id=71
Slow Cooker Recipe – Chicken Tortilla Soup
During busy times it’s always nice to have quick go-to recipes that will last your family the day or weekend. Here’s one of my absolute favorites! Chicken Tortilla Soup 4 cooked boneless, skinless chicken breast cut into bite-sized pieces (I just boil the chicken up and cut it up or put the uncooked chicken with […]
Close Talker & a ‘Swim’
I have discovered today that Cedi is what one would call a ‘close talker’. You know, that person who is talking to you that just gets too close and doesn’t seem to leave you your personal space?…well, that’s Cedi. Today, at the apple store, a little girl came in and Cedi decided that she REALLY […]
Treasury Saturday, September 19th
Happy Saturday everyone! It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day here just north of Madison, WI. I’m off to the farmer’s market to sell apples! I hope you enjoy the treasuries from last week!Treasury Name: Autumn Apples Curator: jaykayknits Item Featured: Apple Trees and Owls Tote Bags Treasury Name: Autumn, Season of […]