The response from last week is that people are finding this post helpful so I’m going to continue to do it for awhile. So, here we go…the keywords from last week’s front page on etsy.KEYWORDSwoodlandfeatherowl x 2plumecomintswedish INSPIRED BYan etsy Holiday x 2fall harvestwinter Holidays x 2travela dark romanceboyfriendsroses MISCELLANEOUSPlanning the Perfect Holiday PartyHoliday Gift […]
Sunday Gift Guide – The MEN In Our Lives
Before I get into this Sunday’s gift guide I want to give a big congratulations to my etsy and quiltsy friend MountainHomeQuilts who had a new baby boy last week! I’m so excited for her and her family! In my very first gift guide post, magpieknits, a fellow quiltsy teammate made the following comment, “I […]
I Never
thought I enjoy personalizing a clothing article for someone by free-handing letters and appliquéing them. I was so wrong! I absolutely love it. It was so much fun to see my creation come to life and I even enjoyed the somewhat tedious stitching involved too. I received this convo not too long ago from a […]
dreams do come true
I’ve tried to hold my dreams of someday making jewelry and quilting with my girls in the back of my mind so as not to be disappointed or try to force them into something they don’t have an interest in. I had to share with you all that I just finished one of the happiest […]
Themed Thursday – Time to Pack for a Quilt Retreat!
My picks for today are going to have to do with what I’m all packing in preparation for the quilt retreat I’m attending this weekend. Papa is keeping the girls and Mama gets to SEW! What fun! Here are some things you’ll find in my suitcase:A cozy pair of slippers like these Earth in Sky […]
my little models
I just had to post a few of these fun pictures I took this morning. I just did the girls laundry and Capri found all of her sisters panties and decided to see just how many she could get on at the same time. All of them of course mom! On that note, Grandma […]
Cream Cheese Apple Wrap
I have stopped home for a shower and lunch (yes, I was at the gym this morning, pats myself on the back). I am heading into Madison to run a few errands before my hair appointment and want to make sure I’m healthily full before I get there…all I can think about is Qdoba nacho’s…so […]
Keyword’s For Etsy’s Front Page – Oct. 26 th – Nov. 2nd
Happy November! Merchandising has changed once again for this month. Here’s a summary taken from the ETTEAM thread on etsy, from bytheway: November Merchandising Themes Items made from sturdy fabrics, fibers, and yarns: cashmere industrial felt silk raw silk wool burlap canvas. Autumn and winter entertaining leading up to Thanksgiving: creative and unique tabletop accoutrement […]
I have so many great pictures I need to edit and get posted up here! Now, just to find some time! This post is going to be all about the Halloween Costumes my girls wore in this past week. My sitter mentioned something on Monday night that they should wear costumes on Wednesday when they […]
Sunday Gifts – knitting/spinning/crochet/quilting friends
This weeks’ Sunday Gift recommendation is a request from the comment Jan left on my very first Gift Idea week. She wants some ideas for her Knitting/Spinning/Crochet/Quilting Friends…I love this one! One thing I know about crafters is that we all have an addiction to supplies and clever things. Let’s get started! We’ll start from […]