Here’s what one of the judges wished to share about this weeks entries: "I was really moved by how many of these entries used clothing/fabric that the quilter associated with a family member/beloved pet, and that these aren’t just a "project" but are now heirlooms that these quilters (or their recipients) will really cherish for […]
A Road Trip Through ‘Shop Local
I just returned from a fantastic trip to Chesapeake, VA, to visit my sister-in-law. We had a great time at the beach and catching up. The only downside was the 20 hour ride there and back – with a 2 and 3 year old! I decided I would like to take a ‘Road Trip’ with […]
Themed Thursday – All About Dad
With Father’s Day coming up with Sunday it was a pretty easy decision on what to do for today’s theme – Dad of course! Here are some great Dad Day finds! Guinness Beer Bar from SoapDreams How perfect are these!? Full body Indiana Jones LEGO silver toned cufflinks in FREE gift box from crimsonking […]
Playing in the Rain
I have a lot of pictures and stories to share with you from our recent trip to Chesapeake, VA, but first I wanted to share with you the amazing pictures I got of the girls playing in the rain on our return to dreary Wisconsin. Of course, after they sat so well for two days […]
Time to VOTE for the RECYCLE! Project QUILTING Challenge!
I literally just walked at least a mile in crazy Virgina heat to get this post up (otherwise you’d have to wait until Tuesday). Man is it hot! AND you have to pay to use the internet at Starbucks! BUT, it was worth it when I opened up the flickr account and saw all the […]
Belated Project Quilting Entry
I was so pleased to check out the Project QUILTING Facebook Page and see a link to a blogpost talking about a project finished for the first challenge of season 1 – three challenges later! I just love that Jennifer didn’t just give up and stop her project just because she couldn’t make the deadline. […]
Meet our Guest Judge – Kris from fabricalacarte and bonbonsandmore
Alexander Henry – Starling and Mod Dot Half Yard Set I am happy to announce that once again, I have a guest judge for this week! I would like to introduce to you – Kris, from fabricalacarte and bonbonsandmore. Here’s her quilting story she’d like to share with you: I’ve always been interested in creating. […]
NEED ADVICE! 20 Hour Car Ride!
Hi everyone! I am in need of some advice ASAP! We are heading to my sister-in-law’s (Karma) for a mini vacation soon and we will be driving! It’s a good 20 hour car ride from Madison, WI to Chesapeake, VA. What advice do you have for entertaining a 2 & 3 year old for that […]
Capri Update
Hi! I just realized that I left you all hanging with ‘Hot Capri’ and haven’t posted an update. She’s doing much better. By day 2 of the antibiotics her fever left and she’s gotten her energy back (if not more than usual). She’s feisty as ever and I’ll take that any day over what that […]
Season 1, Challenge 3 – The Recycled Quilt
What wonderful projects again this week. You are all doing an amazing job. So…on to Challenge 3 the Recycled Quilt. I’ll start by letting you all know what the winners of this challenge will receive! The winner of the JUDGES vote will receive 4 fat quarters (their choice) from FabricAlaCarte AND a $10 gift certificate […]