Our third steady judge for Project QUILTING is going to be someone I’ve talked about a lot – Barb Raisbeck of QuiltsbyBarb. Barb is Diane’s sister, my aunt-in-law and an extremely talented long arm quilter. (oh and trust me – neither Diane or Barb will be ‘easy on me’ for scoring – if anything they […]
Themed Thursday – Out of TIME!
I’m 90 percent sure that I’ve done a ‘Themed Thursday’ post about lack of time but it just really felt fitting this week. I have been working on my Project QUILTING challenge piece for this week and I hadn’t been feeling it. I finally decided to set aside what I had been working on and […]
Meet this Weeks Guest Judge – Shannon from Fabrics ‘N’ Quilts
One of this weeks prize sponsors, Shannon, of Fabrics ‘N’ Quilts, has agreed to be a guest judge for this weeks challenge! Boutique Red Blue Wheelchair Lap Quilt Here’s a little info about herself she would like to share: I started quilting in 2003, inspired & encouraged by my (then) boss. She was an excellent […]
Introducing ONE of our New Judges…Pam Geisel aka ForQuiltsSake!
After our bittersweet goodbye to Rose Mary Huber Pauls last week, I put out a SOS call for new judge volunteers. Pam Geisel, aka For Quilts Sake stepped up immediately. Once I read her credentials and discussed things with Diane I knew she would be a perfect fit! Checkers and Pickup Sticks Here’s a little […]
Tuesday Question
At what age to kids understand that something ‘special’ means not all the time and please just try to enjoy it while it’s happening?
Season 1, Challenge 2
Frank and I are in Virginia visiting our daughter, Karma. We’re having a great trip. Beautiful weather and no car trouble….. I’ll start by letting you all know what the winners of this challenge will receive! The winner of the PUBLIC vote will receive 4 fat quarters (their choice) from FabricAlaCarte AND a $10 gift […]
Let’s Go Fly A Kite – My Rectangle Challenge Creation Creation Process & Critique
1. Cut 50 3" x 5" rectangles. You may use less rectangles, but no more. They may be from all one fabric or 50 different fabrics or anywhere in between.I started my project by fusing my hand-dyed fabric to some Heat N Bond Lite. I didn’t do all of them – just some so I […]
Thank You
I am writing this as a bittersweet post. I have found out that Rose Mary Huber Pauls is going to have to drop out of judging further Project Quilting Challenges. I am going to miss her and her expertise but I am happy that she is doing what she loves! She is currently helping a […]
Project Quilting – the Judges Winners for the Rectangle Challenge!
Alright – here’s the next set of winners for the Rectangle Challenge – the Judges Winners. I’ll start with third place – with an average score of 8.25, MoranArtandQuilts takes home the bronze. Here’s what the judges had to say: Judge 1: Great job with the geometric design and quilting. It’s can be hard to […]
I have a lot of winners to announce so I think I’m going to split it into two different posts… I’ll start this post off with announcing the winner of this weeks Popular Vote. With 37 of the 235 votes this week – the winner of 2 yards of fabric, of her choice, from FabricFascination […]