Alexander Henry – Starling and Mod Dot Half Yard Set I am happy to announce that once again, I have a guest judge for this week! I would like to introduce to you – Kris, from fabricalacarte and bonbonsandmore.
Here’s her quilting story she’d like to share with you: I’ve always been interested in creating. Up until about 20 years ago, I had not tried my hand at quilting. I have sewn clothing for me and my family my whole life, but when I discovered quilting, bye-bye garment making! Inspiration I have had a brick and mortar quilt store in the past, but decided, too much work! While owning the quilt store, though, I purchased a long arm quilting machine, and found a new love. So, bye-bye quilt store!
A couple of years ago, I decided I missed selling fabric. So, I opened up a couple of fabric selling venues, with my focus being on Fabric ala Carte on Etsy.
As for me as a quilter….I learned early on that I love making scrap quilts. I became so bored when making a quilt with just a few fabrics, so I slowly started learning that a block with many different fabrics is more fun to make, and more interesting to look at. In my mind, the term "scrappy" doesn’t mean actual scraps from left over clothing, as it did in bygone days. To me "scrappy" means MANY different fabrics used in a block and quilt. Some of my quilts are "planned scrappy" designs, and some are totally not planned or thought out, like my string and crumb quilts. Being a scrappy quilter means that I can have a big stash of many prints and colors, and get to use them all! Handmade Quilted Table Runner – Mega Marbles
I also am not a "perfect points" quilter. I gave myself permission early on to be happy with whatever way the block comes out. I don’t remember ever unsewing a seam because it wasn’t perfect. I love quilts with character…quilts that you can tell a human made it! I think many of my ideas about quilting are based on primitive styles, and the pioneer thinking of "Use it up!". Don’t get me wrong…I marvel at gorgeous perfect quilts, and totally appreciate them. But if I held myself to that level, I wouldn’t be making quilts! Eco Friendly Hoffman Quilt Fabric ***(I have this and it is BEYOND amazing!)*** FabricAlaCarte has been (and will continue to be) a fantastic sponsor for Project QUILTING. I can’t thank her enough for her support and generosity through this new project I’ve taken on. Without sponsors like her, this wouldn’t be quite as much fun! To read this weeks challenge: I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Thanks you SO MUCH for the nice write-up, and opportunity to help judge this weeks challenge. It sounds like one that is right up my alley!