With the incredible turnout of projects for the Square in a Square Challenge I want to take a little time to highlight each persons work closer. With over 50 quilts to look at this week I’m going to break the groups down into 6 quilts per post. I hope you enjoy looking at them! Don’t forget to […]
Project QUILTING Square in a Square Random Drawing Winners
What an amazing day Sunday was! I’m beyond amazed at the quantity of INCREDIBLE entries that were made for the first Project QUILTING Challenge. Over 50 quilts were submitted – by far a record!Yesterday, after the girls had their naps, I had all the names written on a slip of paper and I put them […]
Sunday Sewing Haiku #scrappytripalong
#scrappytripalong scraps strips sewing seam ripper you have sucked me in
Project QUILTING – Square in a Square Entries and a GIVEAWAY from Annie Young Arts!
I was blown away this week by the support and creativity of the Project QUILTING folks. There were FIFTY-TWO Official entries in this weeks ‘Square in a Square’ challenge! Absolutely AMAZING! 1.Project QUILTING logo large, 2. JanuaryBlues, 3. Squared³ – Project Quilting – Season 4 – Week 1, 4. SquareinaSquare-Blanket-I’mFeelin’Crafty, 5. 734293_4499381480346_1916426647_n, 6. TR sis […]
Show & Tell at the Quilting Gallery
For the past few years I’ve enjoyed entering my quilts into the Quilting Gallery’s Weekly Quilt Contests. Michelle has decided to switch things up this year and instead she’s hosting ‘Quilters’ Show & Tell’ each week. There will be a different theme each week and this weeks theme is, “Favorite Quilt of 2012’. Contest […]
Click It, Baby… with Karmen Linder Photography
For Christmas, Diane gave me a photography class with the amazingly talented Karmen Linder of Karmen Linder Photography! Today – I went to that class and I can now proudly say that I should never have to use Auto Mode again. In ‘normal speak’ we learned about aperture, shutter speed, lighting, white balance, and […]
Family Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at Shutterfly.com. Every year in January I make a folder of the ‘Best of ‘xxx’’ pictures. I take all of my favorite pictures from the year and I make a photo book. I used to order pictures throughout […]
BONUS Project QUILTING Challenge: Fat Quarter Shop Fabric Bundle –Tradition Times Three
Happy Thursday everyone! I’ve been trying to patiently wait for Pip-monster to take her nap so I could have more than 2 minutes at a time on the computer to share with you a *BONUS Project QUILTING Challenge we’re offering this year. I’m so excited that we’re teaming up with The Fat Quarter Shop on […]
My Little Gymnasts
I have some picture to share with you all tonight! My two older girls started back at Gymnastics tonight –they LOVE it! I took these photos at the end of their last session. Capri is now out on the big floor with Cedi in level 1. Tonight was her first night and she did really […]
Make a Wish
In 2012 I became slightly obsessed with Spoonflower and printing my own fabric. Sometime this summer they changed their pallet and had a deal on 8×8 swatches. I may have ordered quite a few of my prints to just see what they looked like. A personal challenge of mine this year is to use some […]