In 2012 I became slightly obsessed with Spoonflower and printing my own fabric. Sometime this summer they changed their pallet and had a deal on 8×8 swatches. I may have ordered quite a few of my prints to just see what they looked like. A personal challenge of mine this year is to use some […]
My Favorite Block Quilt Along Choosing your Fabric
With all the Project QULITING madness going on I don’t want you to all forget that the ‘My Favorite Block Quilt Along’ starts NEXT WEEK! It’s probably a good time for you to start pulling some fabrics from your stash or realizing you want to go shopping for something new. One of your questions may […]
Sunday Sewing Haiku – square in a square
the pressure is on let creativity flow a square in a square?
Project QUILTING – Season 4, Challenge 1: A Square in a square…in a square…
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are all as excited for the 4th season of Project QUILTING as I am! I have been trying to patiently wait for this moment – those of you that follow Project QUILTING on facebook know that I haven’t been too good at that patience thing. Kona Sampler Square […]
Dye Candy: A Project QUILTING Season 4 Sponsor
The first Season 4, Project QUILTING Challenge goes up in just a few hours!! SERIOUSLY!? I can’t wait for this season to get going! I wanted to tell you about one more of our sponsors this season before we got going and I’ll fill you in on the others throughout the week! This morning we’re […]
Best Quilt Moment of 2012
With the start of 2013 many quilting bloggers have been taking a look back at what they finished during 2012. I thought it would be too difficult to find it all, but it turns out I actually did a decent job at documenting things last year! Above is a picture of 27 ‘quilt-y’ items I […]
Project QUILTING starts in 2 days
It’s just 2 days until the first Project QUILTING Challenge of Season 4. I don’t know about you all but I’m really excited to get these challenges started! My studio is so close to being ready – I’ll finish it later today and tonight. My cutting board is cleared off, new blades are in my […]
Project QUILTING Season 4
Schedule: (Project will be posted and are due at NOON each Sunday) Wonderful Prizes to be randomly won for each challenge and a Grand Prize winner too! BONUS Fat Quarter Shop Fabric Bundle Challenge:Tradition Times ThreeDue, Thursday, May 30th at Noon, CST Looking for Donations/Sponsorship for the Public Prize Winners! Sunday, January 6th: Challenge 1 Posted:A Square in […]
Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting: A Project QUILTING Season 4 Sponsor
We’re getting to crunch time folks! The first Project QUILTING Challenge is posted in just over 3 days! Seriously – do you have your sewing space ready ? Cutting table cleared off? Rotary cutters ready? I am getting really close which I’m pretty proud of. Of course, as I’m cleaning and reorganizing I keep getting […]
The Rainbow Pink Donkey
I married an amazing man. He’s a kind, sweet, loving, hard working AND a fantastic dad. I only am comfortable writing this all about him because I think he only rarely glances at my blog so I don’t have to worry about making him blush (he’s also very shy). Jared (or Papa as the girls […]