I’m super excited to once again be the host of TGIFF! (Thank Goodness it’s FINISHED Friday!). When I signed up for this Friday I figured I’d have a Project QUILTNG Piece to share with you all but it turns out it was an off week for the challenges (the next challenge goes up on […]
Layout 8 for the #scrappycrownalong
Pip and I have a super busy day. I’m not sure about you but if I have to leave the house and drive into town I try to get as much done as possible. This morning we’re heading to the post office so I can apply for a new passport (mine expired). This year is […]
Quilt Talk and Fancy Pants Ferments
I very rarely say yes to a commission piece. At this time in my world I hardly if at all find the time to sew all the things in my head … so it’s hard to take away from that time to do commission piece. Every once in awhile though I’ll say yes. My friend […]
A New Seven Year Old–Happy Birthday Capri
It’s been just under three months since we’ve had a seven year old under a roof … but today is the day that I can say I have an 8, 7 and 3 year old! photo by Karmen Lindner Photography Capri is SEVEN today and she’s super excited! I’m pretty excited although it’s slightly hard […]
Layout 7 for the #scrappycrownalong
It is once again super cold here. The temperature read –11 as I put the girls on the bus. I’m beyond happy that I don’t have to drive them to school! Today I’m going to share with you the seventh block layout for the #scrappycrownalong. To make this block – you need to make 8 […]
Have A Heart Project QUILTING Challenge–Time to Vote
TIME TO VOTE! Choose your FIVE Favorite Quilts below that were created for the Project QUILTING Challenge – Have a Heart and click on the heart to vote (upper right corner)! You can click on the photo’s themselves to read the ‘story’ behind the quilt – my favorite part! Vote by clicking on the heart […]
The Second Bloom
In 2012 I made this epic ‘Bloom’ quilt inspired by Amy Butler’s Bloom Pattern. And then it sold. I’m happy to say it went to a very happy and very appreciative home but it was definitely a hard one to part with. I’ve been thinking about starting another one for quite awhile now and with […]
Have a lot of Hearts–a Quilted Pillow
I decided I wanted to make a nested heart pillow for the Project QUILTING ‘Have a Heart’ Challenge. I drew my design up on EQ7 and decided to paper piece it together. I printed out all the templates which I then had to tape together since the paper wasn’t big enough. Then – to keep […]
some quilting fun
I have a couple of things I’d like to share with you that I’m excited about in the quilting world. First … Michele Foster of the Quilting Gallery has a new ‘Aiming for Accuracy’ Quilt Along. I’m a big support of quilt along as I really do feel it helps hone one’s piecing skills. If […]
Midwest Marvels 2015
I’m ridiculously excited to announce that my quilt, Modern Log Cabin was accepted into the “Midwest Marvels 2015” exhibit which will premiere at International Festival in Chicago. Ultimately 29 quilts were chosen. This quilt is my original design and was machine quilted by Marcia Wachuta. a close up picture taken by Karmen Lindner Photography I […]