I very rarely say yes to a commission piece. At this time in my world I hardly if at all find the time to sew all the things in my head … so it’s hard to take away from that time to do commission piece. Every once in awhile though I’ll say yes. My friend Nicole of ‘Fancy Pants Ferments’ asked me to sew a banner for her famer’s market sign. Nicole has supported my creativity, art, and vision for as long as I remember so this was a way I could ‘pay it back’. Also – when she asked I immediately knew it would be a great way to give Sam Hunter’s book, “Quilt Talk” a try.
I’m gong to paper piece each letter in ‘Fancy Pants Ferments’ and then I created some original fabric using the fun cabbage design in Nicole’s logo on Spoonflower to use in the rest of the banner.
I’m not 100% sure exactly how the final banner will look yet but I do know that I’m 100% addicted to Sam’s awesome paper pieced letters! They’re quick, easy and adorable! I just love them!
I’ll keep you posted as I finish up more letters but I just wanted to share with you another project I’m working on.
What is a famer's market?