It’s been just under three months since we’ve had a seven year old under a roof … but today is the day that I can say I have an 8, 7 and 3 year old!
photo by Karmen Lindner Photography
Capri is SEVEN today and she’s super excited! I’m pretty excited although it’s slightly hard watching your baby grow up … Capri is a sweet, caring, focused (seriously – it’s slightly ridiculous just how focus that girl is), and fun loving child. Her favorite things are fairies and gymnastics. She loves to dance and the colors purple, black and white.
photo by Karmen Lindner Photography
I would say that 80% 75% of the time she gets along really well with her two sisters … which I think is fairly impressive. Jared left for work a little later than he normally does today so we could surprise Capri with an ice cream cake at breakfast. She was pretty excited. After school we’ll go out to eat and then open presents. I’ve miraculously kept her present a surprise – a Kindle! Capri amazes me every time she reads and I can’t wait to keep watching her grow as she discovers the magic of books.
I whipped her up a fun case for her kindle on Sunday. No special pattern … just measured the kindle and added a few inches both ways to make something work. The outside is free form piecing of fairy fabric, purples, black and white – with a small pop of a green/blue stripe.
The kindle fits perfectly inside and I’m sure Capri will love it.
This adorable little bundle joined us just seven years ago and I can’t wait to see all the adventures are yet to come for her and our family! If you’re interested in Capri’s birth story you can read the whole thing HERE. I hope everyone has an amazing day and if you happen to run into Capri be sure to say Happy Birthday! I can guarantee she’ll give you a huge toothless shy smile and then say absolutely nothing except a cute little giggle.
A message for Capri —
Happy Birthday, have a wonderful time celebrating!
Happy birthday Capri!
Happy Birthday! Ice cream cake for breakfast is an awesome way to start your day. 🙂