AlltheNumbers is an amazing store that makes amazing baby items. She is a member of two of the same teams as me: Quiltsy and etsyBABY. I have featured many of her items in my treasuries and now I want to introduce her to you. AlltheNumbers will also be affected by this new law but not until August…she was able to get her hands on an XRF gun for a reasonable price and was able to check for lead in her items.
Tell me a little bit about your background in arts and crafts.
I have always loved making things. I learned to stitch before I could read, using yarn, needle, and the Styrofoam trays that food comes in. I would sit on the counter while my mother made dinner. Growing up I made many of my own clothes, often upcyled from other articles left over from older siblings or my dad. My favorite was a miniskirt made out of neckties. For a while I thought I wanted to make furniture, and I went to the North bennet Street School in Boston for a summer. (You can go there to become a master in making furniture, pianos, or violins.) I took woodworking but it was much harder than I anticipated! I decided I like softer mediums better.
I made lots of clothes for my cabbage patch dolls as a girl, and sometimes clothes for my barbies as well. I was also more into visual arts as a girl – painting and collage. I went through a phase where I tried to make my own batiks as well. I would not recommend it. I got wax everywhere and ruined my iron!
Is this your only business or do you do other things as well?
This is my full time job. health problems prevent me from working full time outside the home but I have found that I can contribute nicely with my shop!
Most of my creative energy goes into thinking up new designs for my quilts. I have one in mind that’s more of a landscape with land and sea, a lighthouse and a few sailboats. I am also working on one with matryoshka dolls. Now to just stop everything else so I have time to make it a reality!
How did you hear about Etsy?
Through a friend that I am forever grateful to!!
Any words of advice to others?
Hmm. Taking good pictures is so important. I am still working on this, but items that have crisp clean shots consistently sell more for me. Join a team – it’s great for support and for marketing help. *shout out to my quiltsy sisters!* I know renewing does not work as well as it used to but it still helps me tremendously. I renew one item 5 or 6 times a day. What else…. I could not live without my to-do lists. It is the only way I remember everything I have to accomplish. Oh! And give your mail carrier a nice Christmas gift! Mine picks up packages for me on a weekly basis and I try to stay in her good graces. 🙂
I have been featured on a few blogs, which is always fun, but I have gotten the most response from being featured on Daily Candy – a daily email that is sent out to subscribers. I sold 8 dresses and 1 quilt that day! I also get lots of hits from a baby quilt contest I entered on the site (I know because of google analytics – very useful!)
I hope you all take a few minutes to check out Allthenumbers beautiful shop!
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