I wanted to start out this post by sharing with you all the latest ring I listed on etsy - Cha Cha Ring – Cluster of Lime Green and Teal Turquoise – Wide Band Adjustable (I know the title is ridiculously long but I’m trying to get found by search engines…). I just love the contrast […]
A Band-Aid makes Everything Better…
Not exactly sure how Cedi scratched her face but she insisted on having Band Aids cover all of the scratch. Cedi’s first skinned elbow…she handled it like a champ 🙂 and a couple of jelly beans sometimes, too… Cedi learned today that you really do have to hold onto the swing with both hands.
Last night Cedi was up with a really stuffy nose so we decided we would let her come sleep with us. As I carried her down the stairs I realized her feet were hitting my knees – seriously – is she really that big already!? I don’t think I’m ready for this yet…
Monday Monday – theApple Makes Front Page!
I just wanted to give a shout out of thanks to euphorianchic for curating a stunning treasury, including my Marcasite Ring – Burgundy Wine Pansy, that made it to the front page of etsy this morning! I just took a peak around euphrianchic’s shop and all I can say is WOW! Some truly, truly amazing […]
Project Quilting – Shoofly questions answered
Hi Everybody, There have been a few questions, so I thought I’d address them here. (Sorry I didn’t jump in sooner here, but it’s beautiful today and my greenhouse was calling.) 1. The stripe can go anywhere you want on the front of the quilt….border, binding, blocks, background……your choice. Just use a stripe. 2. No […]
Project Quilting – Shoofly
First, a little about my philosophy of Project Quilting. Unlike the designers on Project Runway, we all have lives to live. Creativity and thinking outside the box are far more important than an elaborate project. Most of us have huge stashes of fabric. Budget limitations are designed to encourage you to take a fresh look […]
Project Quilting – Meet Another Judge – Rose Mary Huber Pauls & A few Updates
I’m excited to let you all know that I have snagged a second judge for Project QUILTING (Yup – first challenge goes up tomorrow at NOON!). Diane and I have decided we’re going to have three prizes – first, a hand-dyed fat quarter will go to the winner of the Judges vote, second, a hand-dye […]
Themed Thursday – Birthday Shopping
Happy Thursday everyone! Well, we woke up to snow this morning – seriously…isn’t it April!? Anyway, today’s theme is because next Thursday is my BIRTHDAY! Yup, I’m a tax baby. I thought I’d put my wish list up a week early in case anyone wants to ship something to me…just a thought! Enjoy these […]
Egg Dyeing
Since I’ve gotten so far behind on all my other posts I decided to bump this ahead of a few others – the fun we had dyeing eggs this past Saturday! All set up and ready to go. As per usual, my mother was there to help. It’s always nice to have a second set […]
Project QUILTING – the Challenge Creator, Diane Lapacek (aka, my mother-in-law)
Before we get to the challenge portion of Project Quilting I wanted to share our Challenger’s background with you. Here’s an interview my mother-in-law wrote for me: I grew up in a really big family (13 kids!) on a dairy farm in Southwest Wisconsin. I had 5 older brothers. 7 of the brothers and sisters […]