Earrings – A Teapot of Oolong I have a new earrings for sale at TheApple – Whimsical Teapot Earrings. I decided to try to jump on the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ bandwagon and see if it took me anywhere. If nothing else – they are fun to make and I think they’re adorable! Here are the […]
Cedi walked out of the bathroom yesterday looking like this and said, “Mama, am I stylin’?” “Of course baby! You’re looking good! Now let’s see that twirl!”Adorable, cute, well-made, and fabulously twirly skirt from GocksFrocks…. Later that same day we were in the shed eating brats and relaxing after a long day (well for the […]
A Crazy Week of ‘EXPOSURE’
Hi everyone! I just wanted to do a quick blog post about some recent ‘exposure’ I’ve been lucky enough to receive this past week. First, as many of you know, my ‘Love is in the Air – Hot Air Balloon Quilt’ made it into etsy’s “Whose got you all in Stitches’ Voter. It ended up […]
Pictures from Capri’s Birthday Celebrations
I just realized that I haven’t posted pictures of Capri’s birthday celebration – better late than never…right? Our friend’s, the Schoeneberg’s came over in the morning to help decorate some birthday cupcakes – of course they had to be blue (Capri’s favorite color) Stay away from my sprinkles… Cedi’s enjoying the sprinkles more than the […]
Flickr Friday
008Originally uploaded by KimsCraftyApple This is a picture I took of a dusty old typewriter my husband got for me at an auction. He’s taking the keys off for me so I can make more of my ‘Vinatage Typewriter Key Rings’ http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheApple?section_id=6853867
Themed Thursday – All In Stitches!
Considering that Saturday is National Quilting Day I figured now is as good of time as ever to do a Quilting Themed Thursday. I’m hoping I can get this out before my computer shuts down – if I have it open too long the computer starts to get all liney and hinky. Any suggestions on […]
Who’s Got You All in Stitches?
Hopefully your answer is my ‘Love is in the Air – Hot Air Balloon Quilt.’ Yes, I was honored to be chosen as one of the 50 competitors in this voting competition. To read more behind why Quilting was chosen check out this storque article: http://www.etsy.com/storque/spotlight/etsy-finds-all-in-stitches-7387/ Don’t forget that Saturday, March 20th is National […]
Blue Hill By Hand – More Earrings
I haven’t had a crazy lot of time to make more earrings for Blue Hill by Hand but I have finished a few new pairs of earrings in the past couple of months that I’m pretty sure I haven’t blogged about yet. Dark Copper Hoop Earrings #i440 The really crazy thing about these earrings is […]
quilt cartoon
quilt cartoonOriginally uploaded by whimbrella fun so true!