I’m 90 percent sure that I’ve done a ‘Themed Thursday’ post about lack of time but it just really felt fitting this week. I have been working on my Project QUILTING challenge piece for this week and I hadn’t been feeling it. I finally decided to set aside what I had been working on and start something new – I only have less than THREE days to complete the project, photo it and get it on the flickr site! AHHH!!! Oh and I have no more sitter time lined up for the girls so somehow I’m going to have to convince them that sewing downstairs with mommy is fun – wish me luck! So, with that being said – here are the featured items for this weeks theme – TIME! Geometric by MantaWave
Really Big Drip Modern Wall Clock 22in from pilotdesign
Nautilus Steampunk Cuff from kodashii88
Blowing Bubbles Childrens Chic Wall Clock from KonaInteriors
Red Bird Retro Alarm Clock by Spirit Lala from DesignSpirit
Time Flies 8×10 Reproduction Print from MicheleMaule and in my defense form my Themed THURSDAY being posted on Friday – I did start it on Thursday – the day just changed while I was typing…
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