Truth be told – I LOVE Halloween! I love thinking of the perfect costume and then figuring out how to make it! I love decorations and I love candy! I’ll admit living out in the country and typically being ridiculously busy this time of year it puts a damper on one of my favorite holidays. Not this year though! We weren’t crazy busy so we did all that fun stuff I always love doing and I think the girls are finally getting old enough to enjoy it (well…at least 2 of the 3).
This year the girls decided they wanted to be butterflies.
I made their butterfly masks with felt and sequins.
Add some ginormous butterfly wings and the tutu’s from last year’s fairy costumes and I had some happy little butterflies!
We also actually carved pumpkins this year! I promised in my pumpkin patch post that I’d show you the final results…here they are… Cedi’s pumpkin is blowing a whistle and has the ever important ears.
Capri decided her pumpkin needed four faces 🙂
Little Pip insisted that her Mama help her with her squatty pumpkin 🙂
And here’s the five pumpkins in our pumpkin family!
Tonight we headed to our friends neighborhood for some good old fashioned trick or treating! Capri didn’t want to wear her mask (fine) and I think this is the only moment Cedi’s wings actually looked decent. (and yup – I made the girls trick or treat bags – like them? ‘Trick Or Treat’ is FMQ on the black fabric strip!)
Pip was an adorable little apple that didn’t know what to think about her mama apple’s red hair.
The neighborhood we borrowed was perfect! We started trick or treating around 5:30 when it was still light. It felt just like I was back home when I was little – a nice neighborhood, basically no traffic and little ones trick or treating at the houses with their lights on. By the end of our little route it was dark out and the girls got to see some really amazingly decorated homes! (see above)
And this guy was just creepy…no one knew what to think…
When we got home we split the candy in half (after mama check it all out) and then lit our jack-o-lanterns. If you ignored the melt downs throughout the day it really was quite nice…
looks like you all had so much fun! Happy Halloween!
It was! (pretty much 😉 I hope you had a nice one as well!