Yesterday I was part of a great team of ladies who finished the Dirty Girl 5K Fun Run. It was a fabulous time!Throughout the run there were different obstacles we had to go through.This one we climbed to the top of a large blown up obstacle and then slid down into a mud pit.We all […]
Fall Mini Photo Sessions with Karmen Linder Photography
at Lapacek’s Orchard! I’m completely double posting this blog on this blog and my orchard blog…you’ll see why below… We love to have photographer’s use our orchard for photo shoots! One of those fabulous photographers that comes often is Karmen Linder of Karmen Linder Photography. She stopped by on Wednesdays to see how the orchard […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–Mid August Check In
I am so happy that I kept my goals to a minimum this month! I think it’s still going to be a challenge just getting these done…but I’m sure it will happen! Goal 1 – Bind my Scrappy Trip Along The binding has been machine sewn to the quilt. I did maybe a quarter of […]
Apple Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday night everyone! I know many of you are aware that the reason I’m not blogging as much as normal is because it’s apple season! My family owns and operates an apple orchard near Madison, Wisconsin so the next month and a half is extremely crazy for me. So – I don’t want you […]
A Vineyard Wedding
A few weekends ago, all three of my beautiful girls were flower girls in a the lovely wedding of Shaun & Maria – Jared’s cousins. I wanted to share with you some of the pictures I snapped of that day. My three lovies!The girls with cousin Kim (aka Pip’s godmother).It turns out I can french […]
July Aurifil BOM
I don’t often blog about the completion of just one block in a quilt along but in this case…I think it deserves it. The July Aurifil Block – The Chained Star by designer Laurie Simpson brought us back to basics. She hand pieced hers…you could use templates and have lots of crazy seams…or you could […]
Haircuts–First and School
School is less than a month away! I can hardly believe it! Which means – everyone needed a haircut! Now – this was Pip’s very first haircut. With the first two girls I never minded cutting there hair. Cedi’s grew really weird and mullet like so I was chopping away at it all the time […]
Sunday, Sunday! Giveaway Winner!
It’s Sunday! I had a fabulous weekend with my family and friends! A good friend of mine from my High School days came and stayed with us Friday. On Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and went to the Madison Farmer’s Market – it really is an amazing market. After we did our […]
3rd Annual Craft-APPLE-ar!
Yes! Naomi and I are up to it again! The two of us will be hosting the 3rd Annual Craft-APPLE-ar this year at the orchard on Sunday, August 25th. We would love to have you come and do some shopping – great opportunities to find amazing handmade items, vintage finds, and of course – wonderful […]
Project QUILTING Off Season August Challenge–Be Healthy
Earlier this morning I launched my ‘Hearts for Susie’ campaign. Check out the blog to find out what I am doing and see where the inspiration for this challenge came from. Be Healthy Your challenge – Be inspired by the phrase ‘be healthy.” One way to treat heart disease is to live a healthy lifestyle. […]