A few weekends ago, all three of my beautiful girls were flower girls in a the lovely wedding of Shaun & Maria – Jared’s cousins. I wanted to share with you some of the pictures I snapped of that day.
My three lovies!
The girls with cousin Kim (aka Pip’s godmother).
It turns out I can french braid hair…
And here’s the back of Capri’s.
I didn’t even attempt to braid Pip’s hair. Here she is messing with her godmother – love this shot!
Jared was an usher and looked awesome in his pink shirt and white linen pants.
The girls and me!
The wedding party!
The lovely newly weds…
and another #manyfacesofpip
Here come the flower girls!
Another one of my favorites.
For a wedding at the end of July it was quite chilly! Luckily one of the guest had a coat the girls could borrow for the ceremony!
The pigeons released at the end of the ceremony…
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