School is less than a month away! I can hardly believe it! Which means – everyone needed a haircut! Now – this was Pip’s very first haircut. With the first two girls I never minded cutting there hair. Cedi’s grew really weird and mullet like so I was chopping away at it all the time to even things out. Capri never had hair until she was 2 so by the time it really needed a cut it was not a big deal. Now Pip – Pip has always had a lot of hair! It started out dark and now it’s long, blonde and was pretty wispy. It needed a healthy trim. We went to Shannon at the Premiere of Windsor to get the job done right.
Pip was not too sure about this entire situation.
The cape didn’t help…
But we did get at least one smile from her.
And it helped that her sisters were right there by her side the whole time.
Not too bad…
But, it wasn’t long before she was ready to be done and get out of the chair.
Here’s Pip with her nice healthy freshly cut hair!
Capri’s turn!
She had a bit more hair. She got the ends trimmed off just to make it healthy again.
Cedi had some shorter hair from when I cut it earlier in the summer. We just asked that it be cut evenly and so it would ‘flip’ properly….
I tried really hard to get the girls to stand together for a picture…
It wasn’t working…
I almost got 2 of the 3…
and then the ballet moves started…
and didn’t stop.
Anyway – there hair is cut! One thing is checked off the long list of pre-school activities to complete!
We're doing this in a week! Sarelle's first cut to get rid of the mullet and Maizie's cut for school!
You should check out Scooops over at Hilldale….pretty inexpensive ($15) for kids 5 & under and the salon is really cool! Plus then they get ice cream. 🙂
Your girls must bring you joy daily! They always look happy and full of fun!