I’m not sure how many of you know that my whole ‘’Crafty Business” started out with making jewelry. I took a couple of jewelry making classes in High School and I fell in love instantly. There was a great bead store on a main street in my college town and to ‘unwind’ from the intense […]
Television Debut
I was up early this morning so I could be at the local Channel 27 WKOW News Station for an interview about next weekends Handcrafted Hoedown for the Holiday’s at my apple orchard! WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports If you missed it – no worries, you can watch it […]
Tula Pink City Sampler Blocks 74 to 100
Last weekend my husband gave me the ENTIRE weekend to sew (well mostly…I still brought the girls to gymnastics and got Pip to nap…but way more time than I have had in months). Of course I couldn’t work on just one project at a time so I worked on multiple ones – including finishing up […]
Aurifil and Fairy Tale Block of the Month Progress
I haven’t shared with you my progress on the Aurifil Block of the Month since the elicit July Block. I’m loving these blocks! Each is so different and the take/teaching method varies from each designer. This Block of the Month is one of my ideal ‘Learning Methods to becoming a better piecer.’ I’ve told you […]
Giraffe or Fox?
I need your help! I got these great patterns from Bit of Whimsy to make Giraffe (left) and Fox (right) stuffed animals. Neither has eyes yet and each one will be made with different fabrics. My big sale is about two weeks away and I was wondering if you think I should focus on making […]
Blogger’s Quilt Festival–Time to Vote
I love this part of the Blogger’s Quilt Festival! It’s time to browse through the categories and try to figure out which quilt you’d like to vote for! I just wanted to let you know that I have two quilts entered in two different categories. If you haven’t voted yet be sure to stop by […]
Project QUILTING–November Off Season Challenge: Color MERCEDI
Happy November everyone! November means a few things around my place…our orchard is slowing down, I can create again, and my oldest daughter, Mercedi turns SEVEN! I can’t believe my little babe is going to be SEVEN this month! photo by Friends in Photography In honor of her birthday we’re going to be inspired by […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–November Goal
I have so so so many things I want to accomplish in my sewing room this month for the ‘A Lovely Year of Finishes’ Challenge…but I have to be realistic as well. I only have one holiday show this season but the apples are still going strong so I’m going to keep my goals fairly […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–October Completions
It’s time to check in and see how this month went… Goal 1. My big goal this month was to keep up with the ‘Tula Pink Modern City Sampler’ Quilt Along. 12 blocks…I can do that, right? I did it! In fact – I made 16 blocks! Woot! Goal 2 My second September goal […]
Tula Pink City Sampler Quilt Along–Blocks 58 to 73
Yup! I still managed to sneak a little sewing in here and there this past month. I never found the time to blog about it throughout the month – but I did it!Let’s play some catch up with my Tula Pink City Sampler Quilt and see which blocks I’ve completed since you’ve heard from me […]