SERIOUSLY!?! I even made myself a note in ‘Google Calendar’ so I would be posting so late in the Blogger’s Quilt Festival! Argh! Super mad at myself for ignoring my ‘alerts’…I guess if I make them an alert I should probably pay attention to them. Better late than ever I guess… I decided to share […]
Quilts and Blossoms–Blogger’s Quilt Festival
Since I’m late to the party, I’m not going to delay my second entry for a second category any longer. I’m entering this photo into the ‘Quilt Photographer’ Category of the quilt festival. VOTING has begun! Please vote for my picture in the festival – Number 29! Thanks so much in advance for your support! […]
Celebration, Blogger’s Quilt Festival
SERIOUSLY!?! I even made myself a note in ‘Google Calendar’ so I would be posting so late in the Blogger’s Quilt Festival! Argh! Super mad at myself for ignoring my ‘alerts’…I guess if I make them an alert I should probably pay attention to them. Better late than ever I guess… Voting has begun! Please […]
What is Craftsy?
What is Craftsy? Craftsy is a worldwide craft community offering online classes. It also has a patterns marketplace where independent designers can sell their patterns; a supplies shop with great deals on yarn, fabric, and class kits; and a projects section where members share pictures of their latest craft successes. With over two million members […]
I Lived a Dream
A week ago, I was honored to be the Guest Speaker at the Lodi Valley Quilter’s Guild meeting. I’ve been wanting to write about the experience for a week now and I’m finally just doing it! Anyway – I filled in fairly last minute for our scheduled speaker and had very little time to prepare. […]
My First Speaking Gig at the Lodi Valley Quilters Guild
I first discovered the Lodi Valley Quilters Guild about 2 years ago when I went and heard the amazing Karen McTavish speak. It was an inspiring lecture and I have looked forward to the first Monday of the month ever since. Each meeting we seem to have a great speaker with a lot of knowledge, […]
the rest mat
We had teacher conferences last week. As we were waiting our turn I couldn’t resist taking this picture. Can you tell which rest mat is Capri’s?
Spontaneous Outdoor Quilt Show Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger Photo Book Tip: Create an adventurous travel photo album at I made the stunning photo’s Karmen LInder of Karmen Linder Photography took of my spontaneous outdoor quilt show at the orchard during the apple blossoms into a fabulous book! Check it out!
A Lovely Year of Finishes–October Goals
I’m only a day late making my October goals…not too bad… Goal 1. My big goal this month was to keep up with the ‘Tula Pink Modern City Sampler’ Quilt Along. 12 blocks…I can do that, right? Goal 2 My second September goal was to make one set of ‘Hearts for Susie’ pillowcases and I’m […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–September Completions
Well…almost… Goal 1. My big goal this month was to keep up with the ‘Tula Pink Modern City Sampler’ Quilt Along. I did it! 15 blocks complete! Blocks 43 to 57! Woot woot! Goal 2 & 3. My goal was to make one set of ‘Hearts for Susie’ pillowcases and I’m going to combine […]