Because I don’t have enough fabric in my stash I was browsing through one of my favorite online fabric stores – Marmalade Fabrics. Each month Marmalade Fabrics will select prints in the featured color as we travel around the color wheel. Sounds like fun to me! I received my December print bundle a few weeks […]
Project QUILTING: Season 5, Challenge 1–String Along with Me
Welcome back to another fun filled, inspiring season of Project QUILTING! I hope you are all as excited as I am to get started quilting and FINISHING too! I just want to remind everyone that these challenges are meant to be inspirational and FUN! I know it can be stressful making a quilt in just […]
The Cleanse
Nope – not THAT kind of cleanse. I did an organizing cleanse of my quilting room between Christmas and New Year’s. This is the time of year I bring my sewing machine into the shop to be maintenance and really cleaned out well.WARNING. Some of these photo’s show an insane chaotic mess of creations in […]
Project QUILTING Season 5
SEASON 5 has Concluded. Thanks so much for joining in all the fun! Schedule: (Project will be posted and are due at NOON each Sunday) BONUS Project QUILTING Challenge: Triple Trouble Entries DUE April 15th PQ4Me Retreat Weekend, January 16th – 18th, 2015 — Sunday, January 5th: Challenge 1 Posted: String Along With Me Sunday, January […]
Projects I’m Dreaming About in 2014
Of course I have a bunch of WIPs I’d like to finish this year – that doesn’t mean I’m not going to start anything new! Of course I’ll be making seven (six challenges + a bonus challenge) quilts for Season 5 of Project QUILTING…which starts THIS SUNDAY! What else would I love to make? Of […]
WIPs to Finish in 2014
What is a WIP? Well – it stands for ‘Work In Progress’ and I would say it’s a bit of an inside joke amongst quilter’s how many WIPs we all have sitting in our drawers and on our shelves just waiting for us to finish. Well, yesterday I decided to put my WIPs up on […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–2013 Finale
I completed quite a few projects in 2013 but the 12 below were directly resulted from making goals in the Lovely Year of Finishes Challenge. A Lovely Year of Finishes in 2013 truly helped me to stay on task and FINISH at least one goal each month. I’m going to be a sponsor each month […]
Square Dancing Whale Block Tutorial–52 Blocks Quilt Along
Before we get started – Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful fun and safe celebration last night. But now that’s is 2014 I’m ‘done’ (well sort of) with my reorganization project in my studio and I’m ready to start sewing again! I hope you enjoy this little ‘twist’ I put onto […]
A Look Back at 2013
With the year ending I decided to look back at all my sewing/quilting projects I worked on in 2013. Here’s a collage of the quilts, pillows, bags, foxes and giraffes that I completed in 2013…well…three of the quilts I just finished the tops…hopefully I’ll quilt and bind them in 2014! I want to take a […]
A Lovely Year of Finishes–January Goal
I have a big post scheduled for tomorrow (first 52 Block Pattern) so I’m going to post one of my goals today. This is the goal I’m making for the 2014 A Lovely Year of Finishes January party. I have a bunch of other projects planned as well (Project QUILTING starts) but this is something […]