I joined in on Canoe Ridge Creations Fresh Mini Quilt Club this round and I’m happy to say that I have one completely finished! (one more top to quilt yet and one more top to make and quilt…) It wasn’t really in my initial plans to have this finished this week…but things just happened and […]
Rain Rain Go Away In Style
I have a new product in my etsy shop – umbrella’s! I had them made from photo’s of my quilts and of photo’s I’ve taken in my orchard. Columns and Circles Granny Square Hexagon Umbrella Modern Log Cabin Amazing Technicolor Constellation Lilacs Scarlet Apple Blossoms Apple Blossoms These are the umbrella’s I have in my […]
Woodland Neighborhood Block Tutorial
You know when you take a new class and you get home and all you want to do is sew and sew and sew and quilt and quilt and quilt…? Well – that’s completely happening to me these past few days since I got back from the Ricky Tims’ seminar. Unfortunately for me (but fortunately […]
Ricky Tims Super Seminar
I mentioned in yesterday’s post that this past weekend I was at Ricky Tims’ Super Seminar. It was an amazing experience and I learned more than I ever imagined I would learn by SITTING STILL and LISTENING (yup – I kept my mouth shut!) for two and half days! I’m pretty sure I was joined […]
For the Love of Quilts Quilt Show
This past weekend was a BIG weekend of quilting amazingness for me! I spent Thursday through Saturday at the Ricky Tims Super Quilt Seminar in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I will blog more about that adventure later on…but I do have to say it was AMAZING! I also was lucky enough to meet and learn from […]
Nested Churn Dash Along Progress
Apple season officially starts in 28 days. Which means I basically have 28 days left to sew! Eeek! Which means – it’s time to prioritize. I can’t show you everything I’ve been working on…but they’ll be shown (with tutorial) every Wednesday…even during my crazy busy apple season. Yup – I’m working ahead on the 52 […]
Fat Quarter Shop Sale
25% OFF ALL MODA FABRICS with coupon code: MODA This offer will last until 07/18/14 11:59 PM CST The Fat Quarter Shop has been an amazing sponsor and supporter of mine from the beginning. In general – they’re super supportive of the quilting community everywhere! Here are just a few of the Moda Fabric Collections […]
Weathervane Neighborhood Block Tutorial
Is it just me or is this summer just flying by!? I can’t believe that apple season officially begins in just 30 days which means my girls will start 1st and 2nd grade in just a month and a half! Craziness! Today we’re onto our 29th of the 52 Twisted Traditional Blocks in the Quilt […]
Fourth of July
I’m pretty sure this is the last year that I will ever convince all three girls to wear the same outfit…but I’ll take what I can get! I got these adorable fourth of July outfits from one of my favorite independent designers – the Measure. The first attempt at a group pictures…was a fail…But once […]
Last Tuesday, we had the Wisconsin Apple Grower Association Members at our orchard for the annual summer field day. Scientists from the UW Extension come to the orchard and take the members into the field to talk about bugs, diseases, and other issues folks are dealing with in their apple trees. What I did for […]