1. IMG_2622-1, 2. Project Quilting: Zig Zag, 3. ., 4. zig zag Created with fd’s Flickr Toys Quilter: Studio L12 I am been doing some work with continuous prairie points and noticed that if you do not fold them in half, you have a zigzag. When I read about the challenge, I wanted to use […]
BOM’s & QA’s – Friday Update
Since I had such a crazy busy week last week I made basically no progress on my BOM’s & QA’s until this week so that’s why I waited until today to show you my progress. I’m pretty excited about what I’ve done so far! So let’s take a peak: Home Sweet Home Quilt Along Two […]
Project QUILTING – Ziggin & a Zaggin: A Closer Look, Part 4
1. Zig Zag Wave Cushion, 2. Kissing Quilt 073 (Medium), 3. IMG_4536, 4. Zig Zag Twist: detail purple Created with fd’s Flickr Toys Quilter: I’m Feelin Crafty Zig Zag Bend Seattle, WA 32 inches x 22 inches Might not be exactly a zig zag, but it’s my interpretation of one…. Better pictures and a story […]
Project QUILTING – Ziggin & a Zaggin: A Closer Look, Part 3
1. Project Quilting Challenge #6 mini mini quilt, 2. Zig Zagalicious, 3. Granny’s Zig Zag- Front, 4. It’s All in the Lines by Sharon S. in MI Created with fd’s Flickr Toys Quilter: Sally’s Angelworks mini mini quilt Here is my quilt for Project Quilting’s Challenge #6! It was made to "hang" on a piece […]
Block 14: Home Sweet Home Quilt Along – Under the Apple Tree from Melissa Stramel of Lilac Lane
I’m absolutely LOVING how this quilt is coming together! It’s everything I imagined it would be and MORE (yes, cliché but true!) We have ANOTHER block today (and two more next week, a few bonuses, and some more sashing – and finally a beautiful quilt)! I’m really happy to introduce you to the sweet and […]
RAW Stimulus Show – Madison
Last Wednesday night I participated in a RAW Madison Show at Segredo’s. It was AMAZING! It was such a unique experience and I had a really good time doing it. Not only did I get a new dress, new shoes, my hair done, a ‘night out’ with my hubby, but I got to meet and […]
Project QUILTING – Ziggin & a Zaggin: A Closer Look, Part 2
1. Zigged When I Should’a Zagged, 2. Spring Training – by Ashley B for Project QUILITNG – Zig Zag Challenge, 3. zig zag scrappy, 4. Zig-zag beyond the quilt Created with fd’s Flickr Toys Quilter: JKGoldman Zigged When I Should’a Zagged 21”X23” Created in Washington, IL I started by making a modified Convergence quilt. I […]
Block 13: Home Sweet Home Quilt Along – Three Trees from Anna Morrison of Around the Quilt Block
Yeah! It’s time for another new block for the Home Sweet Home Quilt Along! Today I get to introduce you to yet ANOTHER talented quilter that volunteered to share her talents with you. Before we get to her block, let’s meet our quilter – Anna Morrison of Around the Quilt Block. What is your crafting […]
Project QUILTING, Ziggin & A Zaggin: A Closer Look, Part 1
So many great quilts were created for the Zig Zag Challenge – I can wait to share with you their closer looks! I will be doing four a day for the next five days so be sure to check back later to see what others have made! 1. Close up Lost & Found, 2. Zee […]
Project QUILTING – Ziggin & a Zaggin Critiques
Happy Monday everyone! Even though all the winners have been announced (even the big GRAND PRIZE winner) I still want to go through the quilts created in the last challenge. The quilters below requested an extra critique of their pieces – the good and the bad – to help make them better quilters. 1. Zigged […]