1. IMG_2622-1, 2. Project Quilting: Zig Zag, 3. ., 4. zig zag Created with fd’s Flickr Toys
Quilter: Studio L12
I am been doing some work with continuous prairie points and noticed that if you do not fold them in half, you have a zigzag. When I read about the challenge, I wanted to use this idea in a quilt. I have place unfolded prairie points on a background of squares in which the colors zigzag across the quilt. I have name this quilt Prairie Points Play Peekaboo. I create in Moxee, WA. Size is 36” x 36”
Quilter: Unconventional Katie
Title: "Chase Patterns"
Size: 17"x32"
Created in Moorhead, MN. I had been contemplating a mini quilt using HSTs from these Oakshott cottons that are in this piece the day before this challenge was posted. Upon seeing the challenge, I knew I would use that idea with this. I started thinking about how animals of prey run in a zig zag to get away from a predator and also how my dogs chase each other. Two different ideas, but the same pattern of movement. I originally was going to do some appliqué of animal silhouettes, but as the week went on, I changed my mind and keep this with just the haphazard zig zags here. I thought adding the animals would be too literal and unnecessary. More information here.
Quilter: Way Moore Fun Quilts
ZigZag in the Bumby Road of Life
This is the best I could muster after having had open heart surgery last Monday, March 19. I did not think I would be able to participate, and though my finished project is necessarily small, the theme was perfect for what I had just been through. It is called a ZigZag in the Bumpy Road of Life, and is 6×8-1/2" ; made entirely by hand as I cannot ascend the stairs to the 2nd story sewing room for awhile. The piece is a sober reminder of how close to the wire this surgery came, and it will always be hanging where I will see it daily. It was made in Tucson, Az.
Quilter: Vicki @ Dotty Jane
zig zag
Project Quilting Challenge 6 Zig Zag Vicki in Tennessee "Mountain Reflection"
12" x 5"
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