Good Afternoon everyone! I got a little slower start on my day today. Well – not really. I did some sewing first today instead of being on my computer first.
Anyway – if you’ve been to my Instagram feed you can see that I posted a fun slideshow showing off ten quilts made by ten different Project QUILTING participants. In a previous post, I asked folks to send me a picture of their personal favorite quilt that they made for a Project QUILTING Challenge so I could start a Project QUILTING Virtual Quilt Show. I’ll be posting them in groups of tens as long as I have new ones coming it. These quilts could be from ANY season so feel free to send it my way! The Instagram post has just a few details about the quilts so I thought I’d post in more detail here so you can really take a closer look at what folks are creating. This virtual quilt show is part of my special Project QUILTING Quarantine Edition to help folks keep their minds off what’s happening in the world today – or at least give you a breather for a few minutes. I hope you enjoy it!
The first Project QUILTING Quarantine Challenge was posted Sunday so feel free to join in the fun of that!
Now let’s look at the quilts folks chose!
Round 2
Cute Dragon

My New Outback
Flower Box Quilt
Created by Lisa England for PQ 4.5: Print Publications. I have participated in Project Quilting many times and it was fun to look back on projects from past years. My favorite projects were usually the ones that had creative challenges like the one I chose from Season 4. Read more about Flower Box Quilt HERE.
Wanna Play a Game

Learn the Rules …

Pixel Play

Sewing Machine Cover

Tornado Alley

Protect Human Life
The Sound of Freedom

I hope you enjoyed today’s collection for the Project QUILTING Virtual Quilt Show! If you’ve created a project for Project QUILTING and would like to have one of your quilts featured please check out THIS POST to find out more on how to do that!
enjoyed them all.