Yeah! It is Sew Mama Sew’s Giveaway Day’! I LOVE Giveaway Day! (well..technically week). It’s a great opportunity to take some time, check out bloggers, and of course – win some goodies in the process!
Before we get to the giveaway I want to tell you WHY you want to follow my blog and read it every time I post!
My Quilts
I tend to make quilts that don’t follow any typical guidelines. I love to have fun with colors, prints, and mixing the unexpected. I recently posted about my ‘African Impromptu Quilt’.
And I’ll be sharing the whole story behind the latest quilt I finished ‘Novitiate Nebula’ later this week. Trust me…this is just the start. I hope to have my Fairy Tale/Aurifil Sampler quilt finished in the next month or so…I can’t wait to take the final pictures of that one! I can pretty much guarantee that comments about my quilts will not be “It’s boring” or “I’ve seen that before.”
Project QUILTING – a fun quilting challenge that gets posted every other week. I am currently between ‘seasons’ of Project QUILTING but I am posting a monthly ‘off season’ challenge to keep everyone motivated and inspired to make a quilt each month. Also – it’s time to sign up for the PQ4Me Quilt Retreat weekend coming in 2015! It’s going to be an amazing weekend that you’re not going to want to miss this!
I’ll be making by television debut on PBS with ‘Nancy’s Corner’ – a portion of the show ‘Sewing with Nancy’ in September of 2014. I had the pleasure of talking to her about Project QUILTING and why it’s been such an inspiration to so many!
To read more about what it is check out the ‘Project QUILTING’ page.
I never say no to a challenge – this one’s not related to Project QUILTING but you’re going to want to read about it – the Farm to Fabric Challenge.
Quilt Alongs –
Two years ago I hosted my very first quilt along – Home Sweet Home followed by ‘My Favorite Block Quilt Along’.
This year I switched it up a bit and I’m sharing a block tutorial every week for the entire year – yup, 52 blocks! Of course – there’s a twist…you’ll have to stop HERE to see what it’s all about! I’ve already shared 19 Block tutorials so far this year – everything from a whale to a fox to a group of baby chickens!
PS. I’m still looking for guest block designers/bloggers…head over and see if it’s something you’d be interested in…
Hearts for Susie – Hearts for Susie is a little campaign I’m running to help raise awareness for Women’s Heart Health. You can read more on why I chose this as my mission HERE.
Family and Orchard –
I have three beautiful baby girls, a handy hubby and an apple orchard. You’ll get to hear more about our adventure’s throughout the year and for some reason it seems like we’re never lacking in adventure.
Alright… enough about me! Let’s see what I’m GIVING AWAY this week!…
One lucky randomly drawn participant in this BONUS Challenge will win a bundle of six fat quarters of fabrics I hand-dyed AND
A mini bundle of Aurifil Thread
I will ship internationally.
REQUIRED: Easy – Just leave me a comment answering this question:
Be sure to include your email address so I’m able to contact you when you win! If I can’t contact you I will choose a different winner.
What exciting adventures do you like to go on during the summer?
BONUS Entries Leave a separate comment for each to gain extra entries
- Like Persimon Dreams on Facebook
- Follow Persimon Dreams on Instagram
- Sign up for my Newsletter
- Tweet about this giveaway and mention @PersimonDreams
- Follow my blog by either subscribing to my feed, with blogloving, feedly or other blog reading program.
Giveaway is now CLOSED.
Seriously – if you don’t leave your email address, I won’t be able to get ahold of you and you won’t get the prize…this is very important!
And…now that you’ve entered my giveaway – head back to SewMamaSew and see what other blogger’s have to offer!!!
There are two different giveaway sections –
– Supplies/Fabrics/Patterns
– Handmade Items
Be sure to check them both out!
Summer is the time I like to venture out to local craft fairs and fabric shops.
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Yes during the summer , the fairs, the beaches and bicycle ridng. I like to explore the neighboorhood for quiet places near a stream for relaxing.
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frani at
I like to go to Disney World as well as go hiking in the mountains near our house.
glazefamily3 AT
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your FB fan- Desiree Glaze
glazefamily3 AT
Hand-dyed fabrics! Pretty! We love to go camping and hiking.
Love hiking and swimming wherever!
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glazefamily3 AT
We usually go on multiple bikes rides during the summer. Once my husband asked if I wanted to go for a ride to get ice cream. I love ice cream, of course I wanted to go. 40 miles later I got my ice cream, wait a minute…..
I got a large that day
I usually just go for walks in the woods. My budget can't fit in a big vacation right now.
I love to take my children on day trips to various attractions around town which we don't normally have time to visit.
I am a Persimon Dreams fan on Facebook as Deborah Davey.
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Well it's not really that adventurous, but I like trying new things on the bbq during the summertime!
The most exiting part of our summer is to go to camp with 30 other families who has a child with liver illness, like my son has.
jachelno at gmail dot com
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my email address is linked to my profile so I hope that's OK? I don't tend to have adventures during the summer, I work full time and don't have any kids so it's just like any other time of year for me! We might get one mildly sunny day over here in England, in which case I might put some factor 50 on and get my flip flops out!
We usually travel home to Canada for the summer! Otherwise, a lot of day trips
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jachelno at gmail dot com
We try to go somewhere new with the kids every summer. This summer we may try a trip out of state.
Extracting honey, picking blackberries and backyard camping are as exciting as our summer gets!
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This summer I'm having my second baby, a real adventure!
I am a camper, with a sewing machine. I know that sounds funny but if we go on a trip I take it! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love to go to the beach and find new quilt shops to visit!
I am a new follower on Facebook.
This summer I'll venture to some new quilting techniques and to south Italy with my family. Thanks for the chance!
are flag football bowls anadventre ..well for me they are … strawberry picking on those "pick them yourself" fields is probably more child friendly
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Mostly I like to go on adventures in my own backyard with my son who is 4! We have so much fun together!
I like to visit different farms and check out the farm stands in my area. Thank you. Your fabric is lovely!
We usually stick close to home and find fun things to do around here but with hubby deploying for the third time since Anne was born this year we are doing a making memories trip to Disneyland.
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I'd love to do some kayaking this summer. Thanks for the chance!
I really enjoy farmers' markets!
We just recently bought a travel trailer, so we are planning some exciting adventures as we take this baby on the road. Who knows where we will end up
Thanks for the giveaway!
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We like to do day trips…art fairs, picnics. Thanks for the giveaway.
gardening and canning!! thanks love the fabric!
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Last summer I had the "adventure" of selling a house and moving into another house. I will not be repeating that this year. This summer I have graduated from college and am embarking on a new non-profit gig and starting my freelance business. I guess you could say that my favorite summer adventures are creating my new life and choosing new personal challenges.
This summer we have 2 family adventures planned – a drive up the western coast to the boarder (bottom to top of the USA) and then back down more central, visiting some parks – we love family road trips! and a week at the beach camping.
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during the summer we love family outings to concert, bluegrass, jazz, local rock bands, you name it will go check it out! thanks for the giveaway!
We are not very adventurous, we just go to the park or occasionally to the pool.
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Hmmmm…. not sure. Every year is different for us. This summer we are moving from IL to CA.
Usually we stay and do local things but on occasion we go up to a lake we have near us nd camp out.
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we like to vacation in the Amish area. Go on picnics
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We love to make day trips to local attractions like all the farmer's markets.
Aww my 13 year old daughter and I would love to win! We are teaching ourselves to sew and quilt and would LOVE to have these items. We are working on a quilt top now using the Moda Honeysweet Fabric but would love to have this to add as stash. Thanks so much!
I am blessed that my daughter and her husband and their 2 beautiful children allow me to tag along on their summer vacations. In return for my travel, I keep the kids for a full day and let the parents go off alone. It works out great for everyone!
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During the summer I go to as many quilt shows as I can.
Just found you. Got you on bloglovin now. Thanks for the giveaway. Cindy
We like visiting national parks and hiking new trails. Cindy
I enjoy going camping. I like to stay up late and look up towards the stars. The food tastes so much better when cooking outside. It's a great way to relax and enjoy the one you're with. Thank you for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway and being a part of this Sew Mamma Sew fun.
Sandi Timmons
Sewing adventures I'd say… I kind of hate being outside.
I just signed up to start receiving your newsletters. Can't wait to start visiting you again and again. Hope you receive a lot of new followers.
Sandi Timmons
I try to go camping every year. I want to try backpacking, but I'm trying to convince my S.O. into it. We'll see.
jhunsberger (at) gmail (dot) com
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If i where rich – see the world. Reality check out local parks and shows or just enjoy being home.
24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
Summer is the time for BBQ, camping, hiking and biking…. scavenger hunts and movies nights.
Let's see, I love going places. Generally we go to the lake quite a bit and that is always an adventure.
just in case( m3reyna at gmail dot com)
my email is on my profile and my blog
As for summer adventures, I really love to take the kids and discover all the beaches on both sides of state and find the natural beautiful ones that are not touristy and crowded and just enjoy natural beautiful Florida!
So far it hasn't been too exciting – 6 years of pregnancies and having babies… but we usually try to go to the lake for a couple of weeks, hoping to get the kids into waterskiing and tubing and hiking as they grow!
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love hiking, camping and going to the zoo with the kiddos
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Exciting adventures? If it involves caves or the sea or hilltops or forests then we'll be there
dink_kelly at yahoo dot com
I follow on BlogLovin' – CraftyHourMom. Thanks for the chance!
These days my adventures consist of traveling to visit my grandchildren, but only in the winter. Summer here in Minnesota can't be missed. This year I'm looking forward to my youngest daughter, my granddaughter, and three furry grands spending a few months with me, which will probably be an adventure.
A new follower of Facebook.
I hope to go to Amish country and all the wonderful quilt shops.
I love to go to Garner State Park to meet up with family (it is kind of a reunion) and go swimming. I also love to go to a brother's lake house for the same reasons. We try to make a trip to the beach every summer because I am a beach girl.
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I love going to hike in the summer! I haven't lived in WA for that long so it's been a great adventure everytime I hike!
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With two little ones every day is an adventure! This summer I'm looking forward to impromptu trips to the beach (less than an hour away), an adults-only trip to Vegas, and a family trip to Eagle Crest in Central Oregon for a WEEK!
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We don't do a ton but we always go to the beach and love going to yard sales!
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Summertime is when I hit garage/estate sales for vintage fabric and sewing machines!
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During the summer I spend most of my evening at the baseball field watching my little guy play.
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We don't generally go anywhere in the summer, I like to leave Wisconsin in the Winter for somewhere warmer. Thanks for the give away!
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My summer adventures involve hiding from the sunshine
I love to go visit my granddaughters in South Texas, and make our annual jaunt to Fredericksburg, TX for Main Street Shopping. It's an annual ritual for my husband and I.
my adventures in the summer are new areas to go birding and hiking and kayaking with my family! thank you!
We're planning one camping trip a month with our two kids (2 and 4) and that is plenty of adventure right there, haha.
My summer adventures include going to my granddaughters ball games. Thanks for the opportunity. Looks like you have a great blog. I'm glad to have found it.
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Vacation adventures!!
The adventure I'm looking forward to this year is family bike rides with my son on his own bike at last! He's soooo close to having his balancing on his own two wheels! Thanks for this chance!
We love to explore outside of the typical touristy area when we go to the beach! My husband even takes me exploring quilt shops! Thanks for the chance to win!
I like to visit antique shops and camping with my family during the summer.
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Summer is a time I just like to spend outdoors
Summer is for camping, camping and more camping. We love to head to the Rocky Mountains in Canada and northern Montana. This is bear country and not for the faint of heart. We love to go hiking, reaching the top of those mountain peaks is so exhilarating, there is nothing that compares! BRING ON SUMMER!
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I love to go on hikes and discover new trails and just spend time in my beautiful mountains!
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I like traveling to different places if possible, discover new things, new cultures… Thanks for sharing!
We're hoping to go to Disneyworld!!
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I love when my brother and his wife come to visit with their boat and we go wakeboarding!
We like hiking near our home in the Catskill Mountains and fishing on the Great Lakes!
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I love to go climb mountains during the summer! amy dot forkner at gmail dot com
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amy dot forkner at gmail dot com
Vermont Quilt Festival at the end of June!
We tend to go on "proper" dog walks in the Summer
We love to go hiking and camping in the summer.
I love to explore the coast.
I like to explore the local lakes and rivers via kayak in the summer.
Great giveaway! I don't do too many exciting things……maybe a boat ride on the river!
I'm actually a stay-at-home, let's picnic in the yard type. So my favorite activity is having a summer barbecue.
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I love to go ANY place there is water!! Lakes, beaches, rivers!!
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I love to go to the Yucatan state of Mexico and wander through the historic cities. (geneblack aT gmail dOt cOm
Now that the kids are grown and take care of themselves, we're able to go away for weekend road trips on our own schedule – not on theirs – it's wonderful, lol. When we hear about a festival or show (or truck pull!) we can hop in the car and go
Needless to say, I have a few "upcoming events" sites bookmarked to check regularly 
Walking in the forest with my dogs and kids.
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We like to go camping and explore new hiking trails
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My summer adventure is camping with 4 little boys!
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During summer, we like to go to the city and hit all the museums. Looking at art and artifacts inspires my quilting
because of health and money issues, i dont go anywhere. but i love sitting on my front porch and hand piece quilt blocks for charity. any day that i can pick up a needle is a good day for me!!
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i follow you via bloglovin. happy belated mothers day!
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I like to hike mountains. It's almost time for our first hike of the season, so I have to pick out peaks soon. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm loving those colors!
i am a happy follower on instagram.
These are gorgeous! We usually stay home during the summer (busy time for us) but I love to go on adventures in the early fall when it cools off a bit- usually to the national parks in the american west.
I like to find little oddball places to visit that most people didn't know existed, like a vacuum cleaner museum–its just too weird not too!
I am going to Hawaii this summer! Vacations are my kind of adventures!
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I like to go hiking.
chevybelair1 at juno dot com
we are retired so my adventure is sewing a special quilt
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In the summer I like to visit my son & his family in WA. It may not sound exciting to you, but my grandson is 2 this summer and is like a barrel of monkeys!!!
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Well this summer we're doing the "Staycation" thing. so the kids already have specific plans for "climbing that mountain", swimming, and crafts. I'm hoping for some sleeping in
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My summer is going to be filled with camping in the mountains and then relaxing at the beach. Can't Wait!
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My summer "adventures" are always in my garden. I love gardening!
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Yep your quilts are not boring and I really like what you do. It fits my aesthetic perfectly. I have been receiving your newsletter for some time by email. Keep up what you do. I love it.
I was following your blog on WordPress but recently switched over to Bloglovin.
Keeping my toddler happy and completing projects that is my adventure and about all that I can handle right now
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The Beach trip, I love the Beach. I like to go t pool parties too
I love to go to the beach and to sneak off and go camping! Summer is a grand time for adventures
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I love road trips, and with every stop, I check out the local farmers markets – surprising how many there are even midweek.
I follow with Blovin funny me sjc at gmail dot com
I love to do fun things with my kids during the summer! We are going to ME to visit Acadia National Park.
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We don't often get to go far, but the next trip we want to take is to visit my family in South Africa and have fun showing my husband and kids around all the beautiful sights and interesting places I remember and want to share with them. Not to mention all the people I want them to meet!
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My summer "adventure" will be a beach vacation with family – can't wait! Thanks for the chance to win.
I am planning a big road trip from Winnipeg where I am now to Alberta (where I grew up) with 2 small children. Am I crazy? Probably. But it's going to be a summer adventure for sure!
Wow my summer adventures. I have a very adventurous side. I have gone skydiving from 14,000 feet, I have fed stingrays in the Caymans (huh??), I have taken sunset snorkels with all sorts of marine like (what was I thinking), I have white water rafted in Costa Rica (just beautiful). I have braved the heavy traffic in Branson MO to enjoy its wonders. I took a trip through Napa & Sonoma valleys to wine country. I have enjoyed the Bijous and food of New Orleans.
In a short sentence (smile) I like to see and do for my summer adventures.
My favorite way to enjoy the summer months is to go in picnics or attend county fairs . Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway .
I follow by emsil , thanks again for the chance .
This year the big summer adventure will be packing up and moving. Time to start purging (just not my stash, hehe)
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com
We will be headed to the mountians of NC to play in the cool streams! Cant wait!
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My summer adventures always include lots of camping!
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i plan to go skydiving
I like to do nothing
maybe just lay in my hammock and read
Being disabled and not having any extra money, I haven't been on a vacation in over 20 years. The only thing that I do in the summer is to try to stay indoors because this Arizona heat can be hot!! So I try to sew! What else is there to do??? LOL
array-dawn at cox dot net
I like to go to Greece in the summer.
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array-dawn at cox dot net
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array-dawn at cox dot net
We go camping and lots of time at the beach.
Thank you for the giveaway. During the Summer, I like to go to Festavals and flea markets.
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array-dawn at cox dot net
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array-dawn at cox dot net
I spend a week every summer at a summer camp that has no electricity and no running water. If that isn't an adventure, I don't know what is. Love the bright fabrics!
This summer we're going to be camping in Bug Sur and going on a second trip to Lake Tahoe for some water and hiking fun!
My kids are going to their dad's this summer, So I will be having a boring summer of work.
What beautiful fabric! My family of 4 kids, love to go to the river or creek and play in the water during the Summer. It gets hot here, in the low 100s, so it's nice and refreshing when we can go cool off. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Hi, I follow on Bloglovin'. Thanks! notwendy gmail
I like to go on the Western WA shop hop in June!
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I follow on Instagram (notwendyok) Thanks! notwendy gmail
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I always like to take long walks outside with my dog when it's summer and the weather is great, she loves to swim as well, so when it's hot we go to a nearby pond. We have a beautiful countryside here
Thanks for the chance to win!
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I like to go on vacation someplace new!
Summer adventures tend to be avoiding bees. BEES! OMG! SO.MANY.BEES! So most of our adventures are indoors so we don't end up in the emergency room. Thanks! notwendy gmail
The last two summers we have gone on a one week sailing trip. I'm looking forward to doing that again this summer.
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I'd like togo to Australia
Camping is my adventure of choice!
I like to take day trips and discover new boutiques and restaurants.
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Liked on FB! roxannekd
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This summer we are taking a family road trip from Iowa to the Grand Canyon and back. And taking a ride in a hot air balloon!!!!
Thanks for your generous giveaway!
Going to visit family. May not sound overly exciting to someone else, but I love it
we are buying our first house
I always go on fabric shop hiops during the summer!
I Liked you on Facebook. Thanks for the chance
This summer will be a quiet one, spent mainly at home in the garden. But we will go out on day adventures, my son wants to go to the cheese factory again (Cheddar caves!), maybe we'll even go to the Jurassic coast, fossil hunting.
We don't usually do much that's exciting in the summer but this year we are doing something very exciting. We are going to Alaska for two weeks! I can't wait!
Thanks for the chance!
During the summer, we like to head to the beach or go camping and always detour to find a fabric shop enroute.
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A week at the beach with lots of fun and adventure!
Since we have a boat, all our summer adventures involve boating! We always like to try and go somewhere we haven't been.
Love to go to the beach! Thanks for the chance to win!
We like to try something new during the summer ! We take a different route to somewhere, follow the signs for a historical landmark or indulge our whim to stop at a random pie stand.
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I like to go camping!
I like to walk on new beaches during summer.
I like being with our 5 year old grandson. We generally get him for 3-4 weeks each summer and we take him to do fun things and then I make him memory books to cherish the rest of his life. He looks forward to the memory books arriving in the mail and then he tells his mom all about each photo and what we did. Spending time with him is PRICELESS of course.
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I like to explore our great state of Wisconsin. I think it's pretty fantastic!
p.s. I definitely need to explore your apple orchard this fall. Maybe I'll be able to see some of your fantastic quilts while I'm there.
That would be fantastic! And yes – you'll get to see my quilts! We hang them all over our little shop!
This summer, I'm going to a writing and yoga conference. I'm really looking forward to it!
In summer we love to visit new cities and see every corner and tasting their food ,beaches,ride bicycle ,craft and fair.
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I like to find new places to visit, mostly local or day trip distance. Historical landmarks, battlefields and museums are always fun. But more important than where or what is who I get to do it with!
thank you!!! Lovely gifts….I look forward to cruising in my Pontiac Solstice
I am committing to being a Hands Free mom this summer and I think that is going to be an adventure enough. Of course, we are making a trip to San Antonio to be tourists this year so maybe that will be an adventurre too.
I actually I usually stay home when DH and daughter take all the grandkids on the summer adventure. I can't keep up with them anymore……grin.
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I visit my daughter who is teaching English in South Korea, very adventurous for me!
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I visit my daughter who is teaching English in South Korea, very adventurous for me!
My daughter and I do an old fashion road trip, we take side roads and stop at anyplace that looks interesting and that usually means odd or weird, it's so much fun and the memories are wonderful.
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This Summer will be different with Dad Deployed we will have to find new adventures
I'm going to Italy with my family! First time there- very excited about it
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Every summer, my husband and I take a missions team to Hungary…it is ALWAYS an adventure!
Summer we usually stay home mostly due to 100+ temps:( Spring And Fall Are Our Antique And QUILT Shop drives. So much fun!
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Ooh I love to travel in the summertime! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
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looking forward to camping this summer and exploring the beautiful sites in Michigan.
signed up for your newsletter. thanks for the chance to win.
We love visiting other states in this great country. This year it is off to the Tetons!
I do like to go to a state park or somewhere we haven't been before! And we work on the farm lol!
We like to do house swaps in nearby cities. We live in a lovely rural area so this usually works out great for everyone.
We don't do anything very exciting at our age but we do like to attend a couple Blue Grass Gospel Fests each summer.
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Road trips! I love the excitement of a good road trip. Especially if your lucky enough not to have any kind of schedule. Stop when you want, go where you want……freedom!
I was really going to say, that just getting out of bed in the morning is an adventure, but had second thoughts about that one, so I guess, planting my veggie garden, along with making up hanging baskets and potting plants, going to flea markets, estate sales, garage sales and craft shows, is about as good as it gets at our age! Thanks for the giveaway.
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No excitement here – just heading to the beach, movies, pool…
In the summer every year we take a canoe trip down the beautiful Spring River in Hardy Ar.
The only exciting adventures I go on during the summer are to the local quilt shops. Also, I'd love to know more about your hand-dying process. Have you done a tutorial or blog post about it? The colors are magnificent.
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Well, this summer we are going on a car trip adventure and making it a little longer to see Mount Rushmore and The Badlands.
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Hubby and I love driving too and exploring new places during the summer!
We like to go RVing – this year I am bringing my sewing machine!
We are working on our house this summer…. not very adventurous but I am very excited to get these chores done!
I like to swim in the summer. contentncm at yahoo dot com
We mine for Herkimer "Diamonds" in New York which are beautiful clear quartz crystal
Let see, DC on business, mountains for reunion, mountains for another reunion. But 2 count them 2 quilt retreats!!!!! That's exciting! Thanks.
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I love to swim laps – so any adventure that takes me to a pool is a good thing!
Hiking and flea markets and the beach ofcourse
My husband is newly retired, so I am looking forward to exploring the country around our town in his little sports car this summer, hopefully stopping at a few quilt shops along the way!
Going to the beach with my grandchildren. Thx for giveaway
We love to go biking, kayaking, canoeing, boating! Great fabrics!!
Summer is swimming and laying around in the sun! Yay! Thanks for the giveaway.
This year I am trying something new, I am going to a knitting retreat
I like to go anywhere where I can see animals, whether it's a zoo, aquarium or out in nature.
I just want to get in as much running, hiking and biking on trails as I can while the weather is nice.
I love to visit the UK during their summer (I do this often as my mum lives there) and visit as many castles as I can while I am there. Part of the adventure is figuring out how to get there on public transport! On my last trip I visited 5 castles……all wonderful!
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs
We like to take the kids swimming and to the zoo.
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If I go anywhere it's to see family
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Ah, exciting adventure? I like to go on a whale watching boat in the summer, right here on Cape Cod. Thanks for the giveaway- gorgeous fabrics!
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I love visiting historic sites and museums!
We always go camping in a national forest, often at fire lookouts or guard stations. We have to pack everything in, even water, and we just hang out in the wilderness for a few days. It's heavenly!
luvkrafty at g mail
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I am looking forward to a vacation with my sister, neice, and nephew to the water park this summer. But I love fishing too! saskpb at yahoo dot com
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I love hunting down great finds at flea markets and yard sales.
I love spending time out on the lake boating and wakeboarding. We also moved to a house up in the mountains last year and my twin boys are old enough to go out exploring with me now. That should be fun.
I love camping and hiking, but I sure miss the boating adventures from growing up!
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Every July we go camping on San Juan Island where we watch for the Ocra whales!
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I don't know what everyone else's versions of "exciting" are but I just love getting to be outside with my kiddos and we LOVE making it to the ocean!
I like to sew!
I am planning on a trip to Seattle. Never been up in the space needle.
I'm not real adventurous, going fishing with my DH on a new to me lake is about it. Finding a new quilt shop works to, but that's not just for summer! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
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I live in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks so my husband and I spend time on our local rivers camping, kayaking and canoeing.
I like Persimon Dreams on Facebook as Kathy Newsom Davis.
I really don't do anything exciting except stay home and most of my adventures involve trying to figure out new quilt patterns! I do travel a lot when I read though, cheap and inexpensive right? This summer will be a change of pace though, my cousin moved to California so I'll be flying there in July! Maybe take in a game show! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I love to go on road trips around our immediate area searching out little gems to visit. Great giveaway. Thanks so much for sharing
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summer adventures? anywhere and everywhere! somewhere without cell reception is always fun, for a while anyway
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We like to go on week long canoeing/backpacking trips! Quite an adventure, last time we had a bear in our campsite in the middle of the night!
I'd like to go to the beach.
We always take a motorcycle trip to Sturgis South Dakota in the summer and we fly to Connecticut for camping with the grands.
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do a bit of kayaking in Maine!
Love the saturated color in your quilts. I'd like to go on a zip line this summer!
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Have not had many Summer Adventures, did have one great one drove cross country to family reunion 30+ years ago. I am looking forward to this Summer though, am doing a family trip to Vegas and another to Disneland. I have also just got into quilting and sewing and looking forward to doing lots of it in future.
I am not sure how "exciting" they are but my favorite summer adventures involve camping, hiking and fishing. Most times these activities are in very quiet remote areas–just how I like it. Of course there is always an EPP project along. Lovely hand dyes. Thank you for offering a giveaway.
Does sewing something on my list count as an adventure?
Last summer I had hip replacement surgery, and could basically only leave the house to go to therapy. So, this year, anything outdoors will be an adventure. My husband just got disability retirement, and we're hoping to start a home based business. My email is cdahlgren at live dot com.
Loving your hand dyed fabrics! Hope I get a chance to use them.
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summer is the time for relaxing by the beach… that's my adventure.. collecting shells..
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Wow – impressive quilt! We've stuck close to home the last few years, but plan to do lots of camping this summer!
I like to go hiking and camping in the summer!
summer…. nose to the grindstone…. work, work, work…… winter is time to play…..
Since we live in Missouri and my family lives in New England and Dh's in Seattle, our summer adventures nearly always involve a trip to one coast or the other to visit family.
I go to the beach — it's an adventure in August when the jellyfish are out
I love to go on adventures with my children. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
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I like to ride roller coasters! I also like to go canoeing.
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Any place close to a golf course and the ocean, which is pretty easy on the Canadian east coast
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My big summer adventure will be a cross-country move!
We travel often, but next week we are headed on a cruise that will go from Montreal to Boston…
Advernture is race track camping @ Bristol TN
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Hand-dyes? You rock! This summer the adventure is to take the kids to the Grand Canyon. Can't wait! Thanks!
I've got two precious girls and we like to go camping and catching tabbies when the weather warms up. hayleymstephens at gmail dot com
My summer adventures involve leaving my land-locked state to beach comb in Maine.
turtle tote bags (at) yahoo (dot) com
Summer adventures are a vacation somewhere. Still deciding where to for this year.
This summer I'm headed on an Alaskan adventure and I'm pretty excited for that!
I love to go to concerts with my husband during the summer!
My daily adventure is life, and it is always a great adventure to visit with my children and grandchildren!
We love to go camping and to the family cabin.
My family and I like to find new hiking trails and waterfalls.
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My big adventure will be setting up my new sewing studio!!!
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I'm 5 months pregnant so … the only exciting adventure I will be on involves waddling
Summer is short in my area so I love to do anything outside.
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Gardening is always an adventure in the Summer here in the South!
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I love going somewhere with my husband and our fur babies in the summer. I've never been on a quilting retreat, but I'd love to go on one of those also.
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I love to take my kids on ferry rides around the Puget Sound.
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I'd love to do something exciting outdoors with my husband. Maybe go zip lining or go to Defuniak Springs! Other than just enjoy my fridays off and have fun!
Summers are for exploring the outdoors. My family loathes the snow and cold, so we spent a lot of winter inside.
Great blog, I read frequently!
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During the summer we visit family on Salt Spring Island in BC and spend lots of time on the beach.
I like to visit national parks.
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Your dyed fabrics are brilliant – love to win them. In the summer time I am open to wherever my grandchildren want to go next – sometimes it is to the beach to beachcomb and Tess loves to explore rock pools – for ages. They always have interesting new places they want to go.We live among the Gulf Islands of British Columbia and my husband and I like to go to a different one or two each year to discover quilt shows, or cheese farms, or wineries.
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I love hiking and travelling with family during the summer. I just had a baby, so I'm excited to get out there with the new little one. Thanks for the great giveaway!
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what gorgeous colors!
We like to go camping. Thanks!
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I love to go to our Family campout that we have every year with my husband's family and I also love checking out Farmer's Markets and craft shows for inspiration.
My exciting summer adventures are fishing and looking for bargains!
Liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook: Nicole Sender.
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In the summer, our family likes to go camping, swimming, fishing and hiking. Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow you on Facebook. (Rhonda Gaines Desgranges). Thanks for the chance to win!
New bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender!
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I love to travel! Somewhere warm, with water!
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I like to take my kids, and grandkids, on lots of adventures. We go to lakes, rivers, museums, and amusement parks, to name a few.
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We like the great adventure of outdoors and camping during the summer!
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Your hand dyed fabric is beautiful! My son is graduating and going to work as a political consultant, so my summer adventure will be making political calls to strangers. Want to trade with me?
I've always wanted to take off on a whim on a lovely day and just go camping somewhere new. The long drive is the best bit of that, I think. Or perhaps the swimming!
This is my first summer in Japan so so far I am visiting shrines and gardens. Who knows what I will get up to when it gets really hot and humid!
My adventure this summer will be taking my four-year-old God-daughter Marlie on a beach holiday and with it a visit to a Monkey sanctuary down on the South coast in England – we are both very excited.
I live in Florida, so my summer adventures are almost all taking place in my workroom because of the extreme heat! It gives me a wonderful block of time to sew and sew!
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I love to walk the coast lines
I like to go on car trips to places I haven't been or haven't seen for a while. Something I wouldn't do during the winter
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our adventure this summer will be moving to our dream house!!! very exciting!
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this summer we'll be learning how to travel with a baby! fun times!!
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I like going exploring new cities!
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Love festivals and craft fairs.
I'd like to go on an adventure in Alaska.
During the summertime, I like to spend time with my extended family since I live far from them.
I like to go hiking with my family at our state parks! Thanks for the chance to win!
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I love to picnic and bush walk in the cool of the forest on a hot summer day. You would be amazed how much cooler it can be walking in the bush on a really hot day than it is at home struggling with just the Air Conditioning.
Love your work. During the summer, since I am retired, I tend to stay at home and avoid the crowds and sew, sew, sew..
This summer we have a number of non-local weddings to go to as well as 2 children that live on either coast to go visit
I like to go teach arts and crafts at an American summer camp!
I am all about the baseball in summer. I love going to the games!!
My summer adventures almost always involve a motorcycle.
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I'm not really an adventurous person, so the extent of my excitement is going to the beach or river with my husband and kids. Thanks! wonderlandbyalyce(at)gmail(dot)com
Swoon! This fabric is beautiful and so are your quilts! African Impromptu and Novitiate Nebula both made me gasp. Thank you so much for sharing these. My summer adventures will consist of teaching summer school, enjoying the park and the library with my four-year granddaughter, and doing lots of sewing! Thank you again!
I like you on Facebook. And congratulations on your Sewing with Nancy gig!
I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the fun!
I've been following you on Bloglovin for awhile. Thanks for all the inspiration!
I like to go on family road trips to new places
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I love walking for hours in France during the summer holidays.
My summers are full of laid back fun these days. Picnics in the park, strolls along the river and designing my next project in the comfort of my home.
I follow you on facebook–yes, yes I do!!
We like to go for drives up into the mountains to escape the heat.
I love hiking and biking in the summer, and, of course, the beach!!
We will be enjoying camping this summer. Sometimes I hand quilt when I'm camping. That way I can finish some of my projects that are always in the works. Thank you.
For me camping is an adventure, love it. Thanks for the giveaway.
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Ok you captured my attention. You are out there like I like. You have a new follower by email.
My two sisters and I take a couple long weekends and visit a town we haven't been to yet. Then we hit every quilt shop and store on the way. Way to much fun.
Those FQs are gorgeous!! Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely prize
We are going on a bus tour for our husbands all about farming and machinery!! That's our lives:)
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Love swimming) Thanks for the giveaway!
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I'm visiting friends in Guanaja (Isand off Honduras) this summer! My husband is biking across Virginia to raise awareness for Housing for the elderly! and… my son will be getting his driver's license!(the scariest adventure of all!)
a trip to the highlands is definitely water for the parched soul
When on holidays i like to go hiking with my family
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During the summer I dream of having a garden, and quilt gardens instead.
We usually just visit family during the summer and do the sightseeing in and around Newport News/Chesapeake VA. Not really exciting, but we have a nice time visiting.
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We like to go camping as a family.
Summer adventures… Quilt shop hop here in North Carolina! :o)
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Krista (or my gmail address will work!)
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I love so much about the summertime–farmer's markets and craft shows. I love going on hikes and camping, too!
Somehow, even the grocery store is an adventure with kids!
Summer adventures are going to be very different this year as It's going to be the first one with my twin girls! We are planning to visit my dad in Turkey… what an adventure!!!! Thank you for this generous giveaway
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tmariegries at gmail dot com
I love to go camping with my girls. We hike around and kind of make adventures as we go. Thanks!
I like you on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking.
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I love to go camping and motorcycle riding! Love the fabric! Thanks for a chance to win!
I like to visit stately homes!!
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We bought a property down at a lake here in MO and we plan to work on our cabin this year between fishing and sewing. There is a cave on the property that we are itching to get into.
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This summer I am going birding in the mountains in Arizona. I have always wanted to go and I am getting old so nows the time to go.
You are one busy lady — so much going on here!
I like heading up to NH to go to the lakes in the summer — the perfect vacation…
following you on Facebook and Google +. Can't wait to look up about the Farm to Fabric Challenge! My summer will be spent at Farmer's markets and craft sales and camping with my family.
camping is my favorite thing to do during the summer.
I like to go geocaching with my kids, especially at nature reserves.
This summer I would like to go on some hiking adventures and practice my photography!
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I like to go to our family cabin in northern minnesota.
I live in the Pacific Northwest, so my favorite summer adventures are hiking in our awesome forests and boating on all the water we have!
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I love getting outside to go camping and hiking!
eliz.beth at gmail dot com
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I hope to get to visit my family's lake house and spend time with them
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I try to do a new project – strip a piece of furniture, make a quilt, and get it done! ha!
I love mini-day trips with my grandchildren during the summer.
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Summers mean visiting the farm my 2nd great grandparents established in 1850 in SW Wisconsin, just to sit and appreciate the old farmhouse and incredible views. Then again, kayaking down the Milwaukee River is always an adventure.
Just signed up for your newsletter. Can't wait to read it. (Now I need to map out how far your orchard is from Milwaukee.)
We make annual trips to the beach for the 4th of July and also participate in our local Relay for Life. We try to make various day trips to see new places and learn new things as well.
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I am retired and I love to take small trips with the bus in the beautiful landscape in south of Sweden
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Family cycling trips to nearby lakes! Now, if only summer would hurry up and get here. Thanks for the chance, those colours are lovely!
Farmers' Markets are one of the best things to visit during the summer.
Of course I have to enter for some of your lovely fabric! I spend one week in the Mountains and one week at a lake. Keeping track of the spuds in those places is quite adventurous enough.
I love to go camping, and head to the beach with my kids.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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I really love to take my daughter to a nearby park that has beautiful trails by a river. It's fun for her and the the grown ups. ;p
An FB fan Krista Bernal
We live on the coast – only 15mins from the beach – but come summer you can find our little family down the back paddock of our farm having a picnic alongside the creek where we go swimming! Not only is the water a lot more cooler and shadier areas – but there is only us and the occasional cow that comes down for a drink. Our own little piece of paradise.
I am a new follower via FB – couldn't seem to find a Bloglovin button (is it still too early for me???? that I just can't see)
I love to walk trails in state parks and get off the path to check out the local flora and fauna. teachloveread(at)hotmail(dot)com
I do a lot of camping in the summer. I love it and so do my dogs.
the most adventure i want this summer is to sit at the beach
i've admired your fabrics for a bit now, great colors. i follow you on bloglovin
I just like to go to the big city. That seems exciting enough to me, being around so many people and all the great food.:)
kind of tame but we like to go to new cities and explore by public transportation..always keeping in mind visiting quilt shops, architectural salvage sites, art events, and places the city is known for.
I'm partial to camping – although with two little kids, most things are an adventure!
We like to go for trips on my husband's motorcycle. We both love riding.
I enjoy the summer as 'down time'. This summer my husband and I are traveling to London to do some exploring….. When not traveling, I do lots of sewing and quilting or attempt to take classes
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We go to the lake alot and enjoy family gatherings.
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We go on bike rides a lot so far. Not many adventures in the last 2 years as I was pregnant one year ago and had a tiny baby the year before that!
Summer is when I head for the mountains, to the places that are covered in 40 feet of snow in winter!
My summer adventures mainly involve camping in our Fifth Wheel – especially fun when our grandchildren join us!
Love the fabric, thanks for the giveaway.
wow – anything I do in the summer is an adventure. going to a family wedding in Colorado and spending the week with family
Summers are so hot in the Orlando Florida area so we really like to cool off by spending our mornings at some fun splash parks and then getting ice cream at Magic Kingdom (yes, my child is spoiled thinking that everyone can just go to DisneyWorld whenever they want!). There are also so many lakes that we try to discover a new one each week.
we are super excited to go to the beach this summer!
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I'm hoping to visit a beach!
I want to go swimming with my dogs in a local lake and maybe see some new craft shows
We always have an extended weekend camping with some friends.
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hanging outside with my kid is enough excitement for me
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We love to go swimming in the river by our house. It's fun and free which is nice for our family of seven.
i liked you on FB-karrie smith.
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We love camping! We are hoping that in the next few years we can manage to do a long trip with our girls and head to the Upper Peninsula (we are in Michigan) and make it a see/swim in every Great Lake summer. Thanks for the chance to win!
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i follow on BL-karrie smith
My summer adventures involve discovering new neighborhoods. Love your hand dyed fabric, I can see making some quilted throw pillows. Thanks for the great give away.
I love to hike in the national parks!
I love taking my little girl on any outdoor adventures/activities. We love being outdoors!
My family and I really enjoy camping, and with two young boys, it's definitely an adventure
Summer adventures in the woods, garden and mountains!
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During the summer i like to wander down the beach outside of town at all hours of the night as the sun doesn't fully set.
We love 3 day weekends and exploring small towns.
I think my summer adventures will be sewing and knitting related- I signed up for my first block- of- the- month quilt starting this summer, and Black Sheep Gathering never disappoints on the fiber front…
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The thing I adore the most about the summer is getting to read on a picnic blanket at a park outside!
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I like to take my kids on several mini vacations in the summer.
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Our favorite adventure is always our China Adoption group reunion. It is wonderful to see the girls together each year. Thanks for the chance to win.
Adventures in hiking in the woods
For summer we usually stick close to home and take our exciting vacations in September. Summertime excitement is usually of the laze around and enjoy the weather variety.
Summer is great for finding new local hikes, driving to Montreal for lunch, and lots of creamees (VT for soft-serve)!
i love to camp, just having hiking adventures and finding fun bugs with my 5 year old.
I just started a new job so we haven't figured out our summer fun yet, but hopefully soon! Thank you for the opportunity!
I follow you on instagram @undiscoveredoptimist
I love going to water parks during the summer.
I travel during the summer. I have been to Montana and Glacier National Park (stunning) this year CA. Napa valley. San Francisco etc!
Hi, Kim – summer wouldn't be complete if I didn't do a wilderness hike or two three up to the mountain peaks that surround us here in Idaho. Good exercise, good friends, good scenery, and you never know just what you'll find around the next bend!
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I'm following along on Instagram, although I'm fairly new and still treading water over there as mountainquiltworks.
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to go to the Netherlands this summer to visit our new niece who'll be born somewhere in July/August. Not sure if we'll have time though…
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Anywhere but home!
Thanks for the chance! My adventures this summer take me to Texas for work – so hopefully I don't see any rattlesnakes!
I am off to the wilds of Maine for a summer trip!!
Our adventure will be braving the beach during busy season. My honey loves the ocean. My choice would be a cabin, a lake , and a boat.
I like to go hiking and I also love to go to the beach.
I really need to get my craft supplies under control, i think they might have started taking over my house!
Great giveaway! We love to go camping, hiking and geocaching. Can't wait for summer to get here!
I like to explore the beautiful mountains of western NC with my family.
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Because of health issues I can't go far from home, but I am blessed to have my 2 children and 2 grandchildren living with me in a nice home with a pool. We spend many summer days bar-b-queing, or swimming or just sitting in the backyard and spending time with each other and other family and friends. Ofcourse I spend as much time as possible sewing and doing other crafts. Doesn't get much better than this. Jackie
I'm going to Colorado to see my son. I'm going to do a lot of hiking and maybe strike it rich panning for gold.
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We love to go to the mountains in the summer. Thanks!
dbelliott at outlook dot com
Your quilts are beautiful and neat. We are taking a camping trip (exact location unknown).
I moved south not too long ago, so after getting my house in order, my plan this summer is some day trips in the state to explore.
We are going to Colorado this summer!
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We used to love to take the camper out and just hit the road. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
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I signed up for the newsletter. cannot get instagram. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I'm not a big adventure person, but I do like to visit the local farmers market in the summer, it always a good time
I love traveling and going to the beach!
International vacations would be an amazing thing to do in the summers, if finances permitted. Other than that, I'm pretty much a homebody!
summertime adventure — it would be awesome to just stay home for a week and enjoy our home and property and animals!
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Wherever I go, it has to be air conditioned. I'm a indoor girl. (
We usually go to Colorado & ride 4-wheelers, that's about as adventurous as I get.
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I love to go to garage sales, thrift shops, kayaking, to the beach and anything else that hits my fancy.
We like to celebrate our wedding anniversary, enjoy the free concerts at a local music camp, and get together with family.
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Nothing exciting, but if I can lounge in the sun…that is the best and most excitment I can handle!
I like to go hiking and camping with my kids. Thanks for the giveaway!
We go camping with a great group of friends each year.
I like to go "yard sale'n" on Saturday mornings with my husband and son. You can find adventure close to home too!
I go to the cottage and chill. Lots of floating in the lake on hot days, friends and family visits.
I do not have too exciting of plans, but we are planning a family vacation to the beach. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
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I like to visit national parks
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my fun adventure of this summer is moving from one state to another state in a new home! wish me luck! thanks for the chance to win
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Looking forward to picking strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries this summer!
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The only adventure I have planned this summer is moving on to a new job after 20 years at my present job. Big change for me, but it has been a long time coming.
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We would love to go to Disney World again.
We love yard selling and visiting my daughter at the beach!
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I love to travel in our RV checking out all kinds of fun places throughout the USA.
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My special adventure this summer is already planned – my daughter is getting married up at Lake Tahoe! So exciting, now I just need to finish the quilting on her wedding quilt!
We go camping every summer and there's always some kind of excitement awaiting us. Forget the marshmallows? Yep. Run out of dishwashing liquid? Yep. Deer raiding the groceries? You betcha! You never know what is going to happen!!
Come visit my giveaway too, if you'd like!
I like to visit relatives and go to music camps!
My favorite summer adventure would be a camping holiday at the beach
I am sending my girls on an adventure at the local community center. One week of different adventures every day. Fishing, rock climbing, scuba diving, horse back riding- so many things they have never done. I scrimped to make it possible! I am very happy for them!
Well, I'm planning a trip to Maine in August to visit my family. The weather is beautiful there at that time of year and will be a welcomed reprieve from the hot SC summer!!
I like to take my pontoon out on the lake.
Going to the beach!!
Going to the beach!!
We love to go camping, although not in the hot, hot months of the Texas summer.
I also followed your blog on email. Love your quilts!
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We hang at the beach a lot, summer coincides with Christmas here so there's lots of running around catching up with rellies, visiting Santa and relaxing
I'm looking forward to our Minnesota lake adventure. We moved away from Minnesota many years ago, but still miss the lakes (being in Iowa)…so I can't wait to get back there and get on a boat!
I enjoy travelling around our area learning of new-to-me spots that are enjoyable and fun. Thanks so much for sharing
I love travelling around the country and abroad with my family – it's always exciting! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com
go to different town and stroll along without knowing proper directions
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• • • I love getting together with my friends for the Quilting Expo.
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I love to go kayaking on the lake in the summer
I like to go to local farm stands & get fresh fruits to make pies & crumbles! Strawberry/Rhubarb is my fav! We usually get fresh produce & grill w/friends & family. Our anniversary is July, so we also try to take a road trip w/in a few hours of us & do a little long weekend celebration/exploration of a new area, antiquing, food, music etc. we bring our dogs if we can!
I like to so sailing whenever I get the chance, but this summer I am going to Santa Fe to hike.
Our long-awaited firstborn will be 2 this summer, so we're looking forward to some fun toddler adventures seeing the world through his eyes.
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my favorite summer activity is to go on hikes with my family. It tires the kids out and gives us all fresh air.
Since I have been recuperating from severalf oot, toe & ankle surgeries, any place to go is an adventure! We are going to the beach in June & renting a condo for 1 month. Yahoo! I haven't been anywhere fo 14 months so I am so looking forward to a vacation.
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We are going camping waaaay up north.
I go on a thrifting/junking adventure- the world's longest yardsale- 700 miles of yardsales from alabama to michigan
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I love to travel during the summer and especially go see family!
I plan on going on a shop hop this summer, and then I will stay home and sew in my A/C room while it's hot outside!
Not only I'd like to but I AM going to Paris for three weeks!
Last summer I went on my first shop hop. It was a lot of fun and I want to do it again this summer.
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I like to Geocache during the summer.
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My favourite holiday trip is exploring the Peak District and I often take a little pootle past places that have craft shops related to whatever my current obsession is at the time!
Just going to the beach for a daytrip is an adventure!
I love going hiking in the mountains!
I love going on summer adventures. Hiking at the beach is great, and so is simply enjoying the extra hours of light at home.
I take my kids to a family reunion up in Northern Idaho in the summer! It's a great adventure for us all!
Alas, no vacation this summer for us…just can't get away. But if I could, it would be to Hawaii!
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Usually we like to get in traveling during the summer…the last three years have been cross country moving trips so we'd LIKE to get in an actual vacation this year! Thanks again for the opportunity!
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Lots of small adventures this summer with my littles, swimming pool, parks, hiking.
jackthewarner @
I love camping while visiting places I haven't seen before in this beautiful country of mine. Gorgeous fabrics.
We love camping. It's been a few years due to pregnancies/babies, and I doubt we'll get to it this year (I was planning it, but it's not gonna work out like I wanted it to). But we love it. And the kids get gloriously dirty, which is hilarious.
I like to do some water sports during summer.
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My exciting adventures for the summer include going to garage sales, estate sales and rummage sales for that one of a kind unique find.
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
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Tweeted about the giveaway!
We like taking our RV on long trips. Best yet was Yellowstone National park. Soon to come, Yosemite National park.
I Iike sitting in the shade and doing nothing!
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you are so awesome! I didn't know you had a blog! hehehe….new followerer! love your quilts! what a great giveaway. adding my email, just in case…
The Zoo!!!!
I like to go kayaking with my husband.
Thank you for the give away. I'm following through bloglovin'
I love to grab my camera, choose a gravel or dirt road and see where it leads me. I usually find old homestead homes, dugouts, old school houses, barns and lots of wild life.
I followed you on FB. Another adventure is to go kayaking on a river. I love that!
I love to go camping during the summer months. The adventure part comes when we get to take the grandchildren with us
I live in Florida, so summer time is perfect beach time!
This summer, my exciting adventure will be a semester's worth of material squeezed into 5 weeks!
Following on FB as KeriCanSew
Being with my son as we work on his Boy Scout requirements. It's an adventure that can change on any given day.
Thanks for the chance to win these fabulous fabrics & thread and for being a part of the SMS Giveaway.
In Kind Regards,
Tricia of Mid-MI.
quercus0828 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win! My summer adventure will be living in a small one-room cabin on a beautiful pond while my house gets renovated!
I'm a avid hiker. My favorite thing is to get lost in the woods and find my way to the river.
I love to take my girls and my mom to the beach!
oneoldgoat1962 at gmail dot com
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My husband and I escape for a week to Cabo, Mexico where I can sit on the beach and stitch bindings while watching the surf- It's magical!!!
exciting adventures….. hmmmm….I like the simple things…..sitting by a running river talking with DH or driving to a small lakeside town and wandering through the small seasonal businesses and finding a treasure to take home. Thanks for the chance to win!
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Love the new quilt!
I love to go to the river every summer with my adult children and float all day going down river. It has become my all time favorite thing to do.
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My favorite summer adventures all include hiking!
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I like a road trip with a destination in mind but in no rush to get there, so there is time to stop for antique shops, fabric shops and poke around in small towns.
I love to go on cruises to Mexico, the Bahamas and Grand Caymans.
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Camping trips with the family.
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Adventures to be had with the family, camping in the mountains and doing anything to dodge the summer heat!
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