1. Zig Zag Wave Cushion, 2. Kissing Quilt 073 (Medium), 3. IMG_4536, 4. Zig Zag Twist: detail purple Created with fd’s Flickr Toys
Quilter: I’m Feelin Crafty
Zig Zag Bend
Seattle, WA
32 inches x 22 inches Might not be exactly a zig zag, but it’s my interpretation of one…. Better pictures and a story about my version of a ‘zig zag’ quilt will be posted on Monday! Read the post HERE.
Quilter: Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting
Ziggin’ Outside the Block
Marcia Wachuta
Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting
Boscobel, Wisconsin
Size: 21” X 21” I created my zig zag quilt with a free form block using leftover strips from another quilt. I had so much fun arranging the little blocks to form patterns, that I ended up making 4 little quilt tops. I quilted three of them. You can read more about it on my blog, where I explain the construction and shared photos of the quilting process. I named my quilt Ziggin’ Outside the Block because I again was challenged to create outside of my comfort zone. With every challenge it gets more comfortable. I cut and slice and dice and it’s fun! I especially enjoy trying new quilting designs on my projects. Makes my customers happy when I have a new quilting design to share for their quilt! marciascraftysewing.blogspot.com/2012/03/zig-zagging-kiss… I named my bonus project The Kissing Quilt. I made it with the scraps. I had a delightful time thread painting the words in the center of the Kissing Quilt. I should have wrote: I quilt better than I cook. Thanks Kim for the wonderful challenges!
Quilter: Quilties
Zigzag Wave Cushion
This is my Project Quilting 3:6 Challenge piece for zigzags. I got a cast off charm pack from a friend (thanks Veronica!!) and decided to try the fun half-square triangle method with two charms. I used a nice chocolate pin dot for one half of every hst to contrast nicely with all those wild prints. Then I used ric rac, ribbons and quilting in waves over the top to soften the zigs and give it a little spunk. 36" x 16" x 2.5"
Made by Emma Thomas-McGinnis, Urbandale, IA
Quilter: For Quilts Sake
Zig Zag Twist art quilt
"Zig Zag Twist" Made by Pam Geisel of For Quilts Sake in Yellow Springs, Ohio, Mar. 2012 for Project Quilting Season 3, Challenge 6, Ziggin’ and a Zaggin’. 22" x 22.5” My creative process and how I made it: Since a Zig Zag quilt is made of half-square triangles, and I got out several half-square batik triangles left over from another project. I picked out the pink, red, and purple triangles. As an afterthought, I also took out some blue ones. I arranged them on different color backgrounds and played around with the spacing between them both horizontally and vertically. I decided use a black background and to put a thin black line between the colored pieces horizontally. On a whim I turned the whole thing on an angle. I made four fabric mosaics using the same main colors to act as a frame around the Zig Zags. I added black borders and couched a variegated yarn to provide a visual border. For the quilting I used black on the color zig zags and fabric mosaics, and color fabric on the black zig zags that started at one fabric mosaic and went to another. I finished the quilt with a strip-facing technique for the binding. More details on how I made this at:
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